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Infancy and Childhood

The Extraordinary Newborn

  • Reflexes
  • Development of the Senses: Taking in the World

    The Growing Child: Infancy through Middle Childhood

    Physical Development

  • Development of Social Behavior: Taking on the World
  • Measuring Attachment
    The Father’s Role
    Social Relationships with Peers
    The consequences of day care
    Parenting styles and social development
    Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
  • Cognitive development: Children’s thinking about the world
  • Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
    Information processing approaches
    Vygotsky’s view

    Key concepts for Module 28:

    Describe the appearance and behavior of the neonate.

    Discuss the sensory and perceptual capacities of newborn infants and their typical course of development.

    Describe the physical and social development of the infant and child, including attachment issues, the role of the father, peer social relationships, and the influence of day care.

    Describe the four parenting styles and their effect on children’s social development.

    Outline and describe the first four psychosocial stages of development as identified by Erik Erikson.

    Outline and describe the cognitive developmental stages identified by Jean Piaget, including criticisms of the stage approach.

    Explain the information-processing approach to cognitive development, as well as Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural approach.

    Discuss specific child-rearing practices that have been associated with maximizing competence in children.

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