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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Klein suggested that the infant's first model for interpersonal relations was
A)the mother's breast.
B)the father.
C)the self.
D)an imaginary playmate.
One person psychoanalyzed by Melanie Klein was
A)Erik Erikson.
B)Erich Fromm.
C)Anna Freud.
D)Little Hans.
E)her son Erich
Klein had a bitter rivalry with
A)Sigmund Freud
B)Anna Freud.
C)her daughter Melitta.
D)both b and c.
E)none of the above.
Compared with Freudian theory, object relations theory
A)places more emphasis on sexual pleasure.
B)places more emphasis on interpersonal relations.
C)stresses the importance of the father.
D)emphasizes the id.
The person or part of a person that satisfies the aim of an instinct is called
A)the impetus.
B)the source.
C)the object.
D)the unconscious motivator.
Like Freud, Klein believed that people are motivated by
A)the need for self-actualization.
B)the need for homeostasis.
C)the death instinct.
D)separation anxiety.
Klein's two basic psychological positions are
A)the ideal and the real.
B)the mature and the immature.
C)the ego and the superego.
D)the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive.
E)introjection and projection.
In order to control the good breast and to fight off its persecutors, infants use
A)their superego.
B)their id.
C)the paranoid-schizoid position.
D)the depressive position.
Klein believed that feelings of anxiety about losing a loved object and a sense of guilt for desiring to destroy that object were part of
A)the paranoid-schizoid position.
B)the depressive position.
C)moralistic anxiety.
D)idealistic anxiety.
Klein's psychic defense mechanisms
A)protect the child against public disgrace.
B)defend the ego and superego against the id.
C)protect the ego against anxiety aroused by destructive fantasies.
D)prevent unconscious fantasies from reaching consciousness.
Infants use this means of controlling good and bad aspects of themselves.
A)the paranoid-schizophrenic position
B)the depressive position
Compared to Freud, Klein believed that the superego
A)is much more harsh and cruel.
B)emerged much later.
C)grew out of the Oedipus complex.
D)preceded the development of the id.
Klein believed that at the end of a successfully resolved Oedipus complex, a girl will
A)see her mother as a rival.
B)develop positive feelings toward both parents.
C)fantasize robbing her mother of her babies.
D)adopt a homosexual attitude toward her mother.
E)develop negative feelings toward her mother and neutral feelings for her father.
Klein believed that a girl fantasizes that her father's penis feeds the mother with babies during this period.
A)separation anxiety
C)introjective identification
This object relations theorist spent much time observing normal babies as they bonded with their mothers during the first 3 years of life.
A)Margaret Mahler
B)Melanie Klein
C)Heinz Kohut
D)Mary Ainsworth
Mahler's principal concern was with
A)the effects of the superego on a child's development of morality.
B)the psychological birth of the child.
C)the child's neurotic-symbiotic relationship with its mother.
D)the narcissistic needs of the child.
During the separation-individuation stage, Mahler said, children begin to
A)develop feelings of personal identity.
B)despair of reuniting with the mother.
C)develop normal autism.
D)blame their mother for weaning them.
Kohut was most interested in the
A)physiological needs of infants.
B)effects of the Oedipus complex.
C)process by which the self evolves
D)acquisition of language and its role in higher mental processes
According to Kohut, the needs to exhibit the grandiose self and the idealized parent image are called
A)masochistic needs.
B)sadistic needs.
C)self-esteem needs.
D)narcissistic needs.
Bowlby's theory assumes that
A)psychologically healthy infants have emotionally detached mothers.
B)infants who are loved too much by their mother will have difficulty forming adult relationships.
C)the mother-child bonding becomes a model for the child's future friendships.
D)all of the above.
According to Bowlby, protest is the first stage of
A)the oedipal period.
C)separation anxiety.
D)the anal period.
Ainsworth found that secure infants will
A)strongly protest when their mother leaves the room.
B)approach their mother when she returns to the room.
C)grow up to have great difficulty with interpersonal relationships.
D)relate more positively to their father than to their mother.

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