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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The Iceman find is important because
A)his remains tell us about life in the Bronze Age
B)he was discovered with written records
C)his remains can tell us about life in the Copper Age
D)the Iceman was discovered without tools

Archaeology is
A)the study of material remains created by past human beings
B)the sum of all human activities before the advent of written records
C)the study of artifacts
D)the study of material remains from historic sites

Kennewick Man is
A)another name for the Iceman
B)clearly related to European colonists in North America
C)has been claimed as an ancestor by several Native American tribes
D)one of the first archaeological discoveries in North America

Which of the following is not true of early antiquaries of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
A)Antiquaries thought that Stonehenge had been built by Romans or ancient Britons.
B)Many antiquaries thought that the world was only about 6000 years old
C)Early antiquaries were interested in the standing stones and earthen monuments that were spread across the European countryside
D)Antiquarian ideas were based on the uniformitarian theory of geology

Which of the following statements is true of uniformitarianism?
A)Uniformitarianism suggests that the earth's history is the result of a series of catastrophies, including the Biblical flood
B)Uniformitarianism indicates that humans lived at the same time as extinct animals
C)Charles Darwin developed the theory of uniformitarianism
D)The theory of unifromitarianism suggests that the earth is much more than 6000 years old

Which of the following archaeologists did not discover stone tools associated with the bones of ancient animals?
A)John Frere
B)Christian Thomsen
C)Jacques Bouches de Perthes
D)William Pengelly

The Three Age System
A)provided a basic chronology for European prehistory
B)was designed to date coins
C)includes the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and the Industrial Age
D)is an early method of excavation

Thomas Jefferson
A)showed that Native Americans have lived in Virginia for more than 10,000 years
B)thought that the ancient North American burial mounds were built by the Lost Tribes of Israel
C)excavated Virginia burial mounds to learn about the Native American past
D)formed the Bureau of American Ethnology

Which of the following is not a branch of modern American anthropology:
A)anthropological linguistics
C)physical anthropology

Which of the following sites is a nineteenth-century immigrant neighborhood in New York City?
A)Five Points
B)West Stow
D)Star Carr

Which of the following is a goal of modern archaeological research?
A)understanding the nature of the archaeological record
B)reconstructing culture history
C)studying prehistoric lifeways
D)All of the above
E)None of the above

Direct historic analogies
A)have been used to study the Iceman
B)have been used to study Star Carr
C)have been used to study the prehistoric pueblo dwellers of the American Southwest
D)have been used to study Lothal

Migration is
A)the spread of a technological innovation into a new region
B)the movement of people into a new region
C)unknown in the ancient world
D)the only known cause of cultural changes

The New Archaeology
A)was based on the idea that archaeology is an art, not a science
B)was first developed in the late nineteenth century
C)was based on the idea that archaeology should have a theoretical structure similar to the life sciences
D)was based on the idea that archaeologists should apply scientific methods to the study of cultural change

Which of the following is not an integral part of the New Archaeology?
A)a processual approach to the study of cultural change
B)the study of migration
C)the idea that archaeology, as a part of anthropology, should be a science
D)the development of a series of covering laws, similar to the laws of physics

Postprocessual archaeologists
A)have used a range of theoretical perspectives to examine social, political, and economic diversity in ancient societies
B)are not interested in the actions of individuals
C)interpret cultural change using ecological models
D)are not interested in ideology and religion

Which of the following are ecofacts?
A)pottery and seeds
B)stone tools and animal bones
C)seeds and animal bones
D)pottery and stone tools

Artifacts are
A)Remains from the natural environment that can provide information about past environments
B)only preserved in deserts or waterlogged environments
C)items that are made, modified, or used by humans
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not a feature?
A)a building foundation
B)a human burial
C)a pit
D)a complete pottery bowl

Stratigraphic analysis is used to
A)study the material remains of the behavior of modern people
B)work of the sequence of events that created an archaeological site
C)date sites
D)identify sites

Test trenches are used
A)to test the potential of an archaeological site
B)to discover sites
C)to reveal spatial relationships between artifacts, ecofacts, and features
D)to save money

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