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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The North American Archaic is broadly contemporary with
A)the Middle Stone Age in Africa
B)the Mesolithic in Europe
C)the Kebaran in the Near East
D)the Aurignacian in Europe

Climatic changes at the end of the Ice Age led to
A)increasing desiccation in eastern North America
B)progressive reforestation of the Great Basin
C)increasing desiccation in western regions such as the Great Basin
D)lower summer temperatures in eastern North America

The region known as the Great Basin includes nearly all of
A)modern Nevada
B)modern Texas
C)modern Washington
D)modern Montana

The term Paleoarchaic is used to describe
A)the hunter-gatherers at sites such as Monte Verde
B)Archaic hunter-gatherers of the eastern United States
C)hunter-gatherers who lived in the Great Basin during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene
D)the Nenana Complex in Alaska

As the Great Basin became drier in the early Holocene,
A)large game hunting increased
B)marsh resources such as waterfowl increased
C)the use of grinding stones and milling slabs increased
D)all of the above

Radiocarbon recalibration is necessary because
A)radiocarbon dates are statistical approximations
B)the assumption that radiocarbon is produced at a constant rate is not entirely correct
C)it is difficult to use the radiocarbon method to date materials that are more than 40,000 years old
D)the radiocarbon method was developed in 1949

Beginning in the 1960s, a calibration curve for radiocarbon dates was developed based on
A)the Egyptian historical chronology
B)radiocarbon dating of the tree rings of bristlecone pine
C)wood recovered from archaeological sites
D)all of the above

The excavations at Gatecliff Shelter in Nevada showed that
A)subsistence practices in the Great Basin remained unchanged for many millennia
B)the site served as a home base throughout its history
C)the site served different functions through time
D)the site served as a location for seed processing; it was never used by hunters

The rivers of eastern North America were attractive areas for early human settlement because
A)early Native Americans relied primarily on fishing in eastern North America
B)the river valleys supported game animals and provided access to toolstone
C)the rivers provided fresh water
D)all of the above

In eastern North America, archaeological data indicate that
A)early Archaic hunter-gatherers used a wide range of plant and animal resources
B)early Archaic hunter-gatherers often settled around glacial lake basins
C)early Archaic hunter-gatherers used fire to modify their environments
D)all of the above

Excavators at Danger Cave at Utah used coprolites to reconstruct
A)Archaic diets
B)early Holocene environments in the Great Basin
C)the dates of the occupation of Danger Cave
D)all of the above

The use of ethnographic information on the manufacture of duck decoys by twentieth-century Native Americans to reconstruct the ways they may have been manufactured and used in the early Archaic is an example of
A)relative dating
B)direct historical analogy
D)open-area excavation

Subsistence changes that took place in eastern North America during the Middle Holocene include
A)animal domestication
B)the increased use of fresh-water molluscs
C)an increase in deep-sea fishing
D)all of the above

The Koster site in Illinois is important because
A)the site includes a well-preserved archaeological sequence from the early Archaic through the Late Woodland period
B)the site documents increasing settlement permanence throughout the Archaic
C)it shows that the late Archaic inhabitants of the site had a diverse economy including hunting, fishing, and fowling
D)all of the above

The late Archaic in eastern North America is similar to the later Mesolithic in northern Europe because
A)both populations were collectors who inhabited a single location for most or all of the year
B)both populations should be classified as foragers
C)both populations hunted large numbers of sea mammals
D)both populations domesticated plants

Which of the following plants were initially domesticated by late Archaic hunter-gatherers in eastern North America
A)maize and beans
B)wheat and barley
C)sumpweed and goosefoot
D)bananas and potatoes

Exotic materials recovered from the late Archaic cemetery at Indian Knoll include
A)copper and marine shells
B)gold and silver
C)maize and beans
D)feathers and silks

Late Archaic metalsmiths in eastern North America worked copper by
D)all of the above

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