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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Carrying capacity refers to
A)the amount that a single hunter-gatherer can carry in a single day
B)the maximum population that an environment can support with a given technology
C)the ability of hunter-gatherers to domesticate plants and animals
D)the capacity of an environment to withstand climatic changes

Which of the following factors may have played a role in the initial adoption of agriculture?
A)climatic changes
B)population growth
C)technological changes
D)all of the above

Compared to hunting and gathering, farming provides
A)a higher yield per acre
B)an easier, less labor-intensive lifestyle
C)a more diverse diet
D)all of the above

Childe termed the beginnings of farming the Neolithic revolution on analogy with
A)the urban revolution
B)the industrial revolution
C)the French Revolution
D)the American Revolution

Early Near Eastern domesticates include
A)emmer wheat and barley
B)maize and beans
C)water buffalo and rice
D)sumpweed and goosefoot

The oasis theory suggests that
A)plants and animals were originally domesticated in Egypt
B)climatic changes at the end of the Ice Age led to increased precipitation in the Near East
C)climatic changes at the end of the Ice Age led to decreased precipitation, forcing humans, plants, and animals into well-watered oases
D)population growth at the end of the Ice Age led to the beginnings of farming

Modern climatic studies show that
A)the Mediterranean vegetation zone began to expand in the Near East about 14,000 years ago
B)the oasis theory was correct
C)steppe and desert vegetation expanded around 14,000 years ago
D)there is no evidence for the Younger Dryas event

The Hilly Flanks
A)include the foothills of the Zagros and Taurus Mountains
B)are the homelands to the wild ancestors of sheep, goat, wheat, and barley
C)is a term that was first defined by Robert Braidwood
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not used to reconstruct the climatic history of the late Pleistocene Near East?
A)pollen analysis
B)studies of small mammals recovered from archaeological sites
C)lithic refitting
D)geological analyses

Braidwood's excavations at Jarmo uncovered
A)a hunter-gatherer encampment
B)evidence of plant domestication but no animal domestication
C)evidence for animal domestication but no domesticated cereals
D)a village with both domesticated plants and domesticated animals

Nathan Cohen suggested that at the end of the Pleistocene humans
A)faced a food crisis
B)began to make use of more labor-intensive foods such as fish, shellfish, and wild seeds
C)began to domesticate plants and animals
D)all of the above

Recent research in the Neat East has shown that
A)plant domestication preceded animal domestication
B)animal domestication preceded plant domestication
C)plant and animal domestication took place at about the same time
D)plant and animal domestication did not take place until the Middle Holocene

When plants and animals are first domesticated
A)they invariable become larger
B)their reproduction comes under human control
C)human populations decline sharply
D)all of the above

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