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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The excavations at Emperor Qin's tomb in China revealed
A)more than 7000 life-size terra cotta warriors designed to guard the tomb.
B)the skeletal remains of many dogs designed to guard the tomb.
C)glass vessels and gold jewelry.
D)all of the above.

Early farming sites in the Yellow River Valley have yielded evidence for early domesticated
A)potatoes and manioc.
B)broomcorn millet and foxtail millet.
C)maize and millet.
D)rice and beans.

The Early Neolithic Yangshao culture is characterized by
A)red pottery painted with black designs.
B)slash-and-burn cultivation of millets.
C)the raising of pigs, dogs, and chickens.
D)all of the above.

The site of Banpo is
A)an early farming village of the Yangshao culture.
B)an early farming village of the Dawenkou culture.
C)a farming village of the Longshan culture.
D)a farming village of the Erlitou period.

Burials from the late Dawenkou culture reveal
A)widespread evidence for disease.
B)evidence for offerings and ritual feasting.
C)skeletal evidence for malnutrition.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following is not true of late Dawenkou burials?
A)the ritual pottery vessels were made by craft specialists.
B)feasting provided an opportunity for competition between powerful, wealthy families.
C)the burials provide no evidence for social and economic differentiation.
D)groups hosting feasts could acquire commitments for labor on agricultural and other projects.

The black egg-shell thin cups of the Longshan culture
A)were made by craft specialists.
B)were designed to be used only in mortuary rituals.
C)were designed to hold fermented beverages.
D)all of the above.

At the Longshan site of Hougang
A)archaeologists recovered evidence of subterranean houses.
B)archaeologists recovered widespread evidence for iron working.
C)archaeologists recovered evidence for ritual sacrifices of infants associated with house construction activities.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following has not been recovered from the Early Bronze Age site of Erlitou?
A)the remains of 7000 ceramic tomb warriors.
B)the remains of rectangular palaces.
C)evidence for a copper smelting workshop.
D)richly furnished tombs.

Today many archaeologists identify the Erlitou culture with the
A)Xia Dynasty.
B)Shang Dynasty.
C)Han Dynasty.
D)Tang Dynasty.

The ruins of Yin, near Anyang, provide clear evidence for
A)human sacrifice.
B)palace foundations.
C)oracle bones.
D)all of the above.

The excavations at Anyang are important because
A)they began before World War II.
B)they are the first excavations that allowed archaeologists to link archaeological remains with early written Chinese history.
C)the archaeologists relied extensively on remote sensing.
D)the site was dated using the radiocarbon method.

Archaeologist Anne Underhill has argued that the key to the emergence of complex societies in China is
A)the control over the military.
B)the control over irrigation systems.
C)the control over food surpluses.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following is not a method of on-ground remote sensing?
A)resistivity survey.
D)ground-penetrating radar.

The resistivity method
A)involves measuring the resistance of the soil to the passage of an electrical current.
B)involves measuring the resistance of the soil to the passage of radar waves.
C)involves measuring the resistance of the soil to the passage of nutrients.
D)measures distortions in the earth's magnetic field.

Which of the following remote sensing techniques has been used to a tomb of the Han Dynasty at Xian?
C)ground-penetrating radar.
D)all of the above.

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