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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The earliest chipped stone tools
A)appear about 1.8 million years ago at Olduvai Gorge
B)Appear about 6 million years ago with the earliest hominins
C)Appear about 2.6 million years ago
D)were made by Australopithecus afaranesis

While of the following species use tools?
A)modern humans only
B)modern and ancient humans
C)humans and chimps
D)humans, chimps and orangutans

The earliest sone tools discovered to date come from the site of
A)Gona in Ethiopia
B)Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania
C)Koobi fora in Kenya
D)all of the above sites

The Oldowan industry includes
B)choppers and chopping tools
C)scrapers and discoids
D)all of the above

Another names for core and flake industries such as the Oldowan is
B)Mode I
C)direct percussion
D)conchoidal fracture

Stones that are commonly used for stone tool manufacture include
A)flint and chert
B)limestones and sandstones
D)calcite and felspar

Stone flakes generally
A)are made of soft materials
B)are made from materials with well-defined planes of cleavage
C)include a bulb of percussion and conchoidal fracture
D)are found with human fossils and butchered animal bones

Early archaeological sites, such as DKI at Olduvai, generally include
A)stone tools and butchered animal bones
B)artifacts and ecofacts
C)stone flakes and cores
D)all of the above

The food-sharing hypothesis
A)suggests that early humans carried meat and other foodstuffs to home bases
B)suggests that early humans controlled fire
C)suggests that early humans were vegetarians
D)suggests that early humans behaved like chimps

Lewis Binford
A)agreed with Mary Leakey's interpretation of Olduvai Gorge
B)thought that early humans at Olduvai were hunters
C)argued that the Olduvai hominins were scavengers
D)all of the above

The study of the processes by which bones and artifacts finally become incorporated into archaeological sites is known as
A)Paleolithic archaeology
C)direct historical analogy

Which of the following marks have been found on animal bones from Olduvai?
A)percussion marks
B)cut marks
C)carnivore tooth marks
D)all of the above

When stone tools marks overlie carnivore tooth marks on an archaeological animal bone, this means that
A)humans must have hunted the animal
B)humans may have scavenging meat from a carnivore kill
C)stone tools are ineffective in removing meat from bones
D)early humans must have used spears

The term "power scavenging" suggests that
A)humans obtained bones that were largely stripped of meat
B)humans scavenged only from leopard kills
C)humans were aggressive scavengers who drove other animals from kill sites
D)all of the above

Mary Leakey interpreted the circle of stone at the DKI as a shelter
A)based on an analogy with the modern Okombambi people of Namibia
B)based on the distribution of animal bones at the site
C)based on Binford's work
D)all of the above

Which of the following statements is true of Homo habilis at Olduvai Gorge?
A)Homo habilis used fire for protection
B)Homo habilis hunted large game such as elephants and giraffes
C)Homo habilis lived in family groups that included one male, one female, and their offspring
D)None of the above

The stone cache hypothesis was proposed by
A)Richard Potts
B)Glynn Isaac
C)Mary Leakey
D)Lewis Binford

The stone cache hypothesis suggests that
A)early hominins were scavengers
B)hominins cached tools at various locations across the landscape
C)early hominins were capable of planning and foresight
D)all of the above

Which of the following hominins made and used stone tools
A)Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Australopithecus garhi
B)Homo habilis only
C)Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Australopithecus afarensis
D)Homo rudolfensis only

Modern ecological studies indicate that
A)early humans could not have been scavengers
B)early humans could have scavenged carnivore kills, including animals stored in trees by leopards
C)early humans could not have been bipedal
D)early humans used fire to hunt animals

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