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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In the late 19th century, Eugene Dubois conducted excavations at the site of

Dubois, a Dutch physician interested in human evolution, was looking for
A)the "missing link"
B)Homo habilis
C)fossil gibbons
D)Homo rudolfensis

Excavations at Sangiran have shown that
A)early humans must have settled Indonesia by boats
B)Homo erectus had settled in Southeast Asia by 1.66 Ma
C)handaxes are common in Southeast Asia
D)humans hunted with stone spearpoints during the early Plesistocene

The Movius Line
A)separates handaxe and non-handaxe industries
B)separates Mode I from Acheulian industries
C)was originally drawn by Hallam Movius in the 1940s
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not an explanation for the absence of hand axes in East Asia?
A)East Asia may have lacked suitable raw materials
B)Other raw materials, such as bamboo, may have been used in East Asia
C)Handaxe technology was too complex for East Asian Homo erectus to learn
D)Handaxe technology may have been lost due to the lack of a spoken language

Place the following sites in chronological order:
A)Dmanisi, Ubeidiya, Sangiran, Zhoukoudian
B)Sangiran, Dmanisi, Ubeidiya, Zhoukoudian
C)Dmanisi, Sangiran, Zhoukoudian, Ubeidiya
D)Dmanisi, Sangiran, Ubeidiya, Zhoukoudian

Zhoukoudian is an important site because
A)it produced many handaxes
B)it has produced fossils of Homo erectus and a Mode I industry
C)the original Homo erectus fossils from Zhoukoudian are displayed in the British Museum
D)Zhoukoudian was occupied from 1.66 to 1.0 Ma

Excavations at Zhoukoudian have yielded
A)many deer bones
B)clear evidence for hearths
C)fossils of Homo habilis
D)charred tubers

The earliest well-documented archaeological sites in western Europe
A)are clearly older than Dmanisi
B)produced handaxes
C)have produced no fossil hominins
D)are Gran Dolina and possibly Isernia la Pineta

Gran Dolina has been dated using
A)radiocarbon dating
B)potassium-argon dating
C)electron spin resonance
D)argon-argon dating

The term Clactonian is used to describe
A)assemblages with large numbers of handaxes
B)sites in western Europe that generally lack handaxes
C)handaxes that are made using a soft hammer
D)East Asia assemblages that lack hand axes

Sima de los Huesos at Atapuerca appears to have served as a
A)stone tool workshop
B)a hunting site
C)a site where early humans deposited corpses
D)a stone cache

The Levallois technique
A)appears as an early part of the Acheulian
B)is a technique design to produce flakes of a predetermined shape and size
C)is common in the Mode I industry
D)appears primarily in East Asia

The Torralba and Ambrona sites
A)were occupied about 450,000 years ago
B)provide evidence for elephant butchery
C)produced Acheulian tools
D)all of the above

The excavations at Aridos in Spain
A)included an assemblage of tools that appear to have been used to butcher elephants
B)provided clear evidence that early humans used torches to drive elephants into the swamps
C)revealed a quarry site used to obtain stone for toolmaking
D)provides unequivocal evidence for hunting

Terra Amata
A)is a rare late Acheulian open-air site
B)is a deeply stratified cave site
C)is an elephant butchery site
D)was dated by radiocarbon

The interpretation of the Terra Amata huts as a series of brief, seasonal encampments has been challenged because
A)Lewis Binford re-excavated the site
B)stone tools from different hut floors could be refitted
C)the site could not be dated by the potassium-argon method
D)all of the above

Which of the following statements is true about the initial movement of early humans out of Africa (Out of Africa 1)?
A)the earliest sites outside Africa are found in Europe
B)the initial settlement of Europe may have been limited to the warm, interglacial periods
C)the earliest Asia sites are in China
D)all of the above

Both TL and ESR
A)can be used to date materials that are too old for radiocarbon and too young for potassium-argon dating
B)can be used to date materials such as burned flint
C)are based on measuring the energy trapped in mineral crystals
D)all of the above

By about 200,000 years ago
A)humans had occupied North and South America
B)humans had settled the Arctic regions of Eurasia
C)humans had occupied the tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia
D)all of the above

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