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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Upper Paleolithic industries in Europe include large numbers of
A)hand axes
B)choppers and flakes
C)Levallois flakes
D)blades struck from specially prepared blade cores

The Cro-Magnon skeletons, which were discovered in 1868,
A)are early skeletons from Europe
B)are early modern skeletons from the Middle East
C)are early modern skeletons from Africa
D)are typical late Neanderthals

The multiregional hypothesis
A)suggests that modern humans evolved from archaic populations in Africa, Asia, and Europe
B)suggests that the Neanderthals are not ancestral to anatomically modern humans
C)suggests that early modern humans evolved in Africa and then moved into other parts of the world
D)suggests that Homo erectus is not ancestral to anatomically modern humans

The mitochondrial DNA evidence suggests that
A)Neanderthals were directly ancestral to modern humans
B)all modern humans are descended from an ancestral African population
C)the Neanderthals were a very diverse population
D)none of the above

Mitochondrial DNA
A)is another name for nuclear DNA
B)can be inherited from either the mother or the father
C)can be used to construct family trees for humans and other species
D)provides strong support for the multiregional hypothesis

The mtDNA from the Maismezskaya Neanderthal
A)is similar to the mtDNA recovered from the Cro-Magnon skeletons
B)is similar to the mtDNA from modern human populations
C)is very similar to the mtDNA recovered from the Feldhofer Cave Neanderthal
D)suggests that Neanderthals were ancestral to modern humans

The hominin fossils from Herto Bouri
A)appear to be ancestral to modern humans
B)date to about 160,000 years ago
C)were associated with an industry that is transition between the Acheulian and the Middle Stone Age
D)all of the above

Which is the following is not considered a transitional fossil between archaic and modern humans?
A)Omo 2
C)Jebel Irhoud

The Howieson's Poort industry from southern Africa is
A)the earliest known microlithic industry
B)clearly associated with transitional fossils such as Omo 2
C)also found at the Herto Bouri site
D)all of the above

The Middle Stone Age sites from Katanda in the Congo (formerly Zaire) have produced
A)large numbers of microliths
B)finely worked bone points
C)skeletal evidence for early modern humans
D)no evidence for fishing

The Middle Stone Age assemblages from sub-Saharan Africa
A)have yielded evidence for worked bone tools that are much older than the Upper Paleolithic worked bone assemblages from Europe
B)must have been made by Neanderthals
C)have shown that the Middle Stone Age industry is very similar to the European Mousterian
D)all of the above

The excavations at Qafzeh in the Southern Levant demonstrated that
A)the Qafzeh hominins made Upper Paleolithic tools
B)the Qafzeh hominins are early Neanderthals
C)early modern humans inhabited the Near East about 100,000 years ago
D)100,000 year old cave sites can be dated by the radiocarbon technique

Which of the following conclusions should NOT be drawn from the comparison of the Qafzeh and Kebara sites?
A)The Neanderthals evolved into anatomically modern humans in the Middle East
B)Neanderthals and modern humans made similar tools
C)Neanderthals inhabited the Levant about 40,000 years after early modern humans inhabited Kebara
D)There is no one-to-one correlation between fossil human forms and stone industries

Detailed archaeological studies by Lieberman and Shea have identified subtle behavioral differences between Neanderthals and early modern humans in the Middle East. These archaeological studies
A)suggest that modern humans hunted more often than the Neanderthals did
B)suggest that the Neanderthals were scavengers while modern humans were hunters
C)indicate that the Neanderthals were highly mobile hunter-gatherers while modern humans were more sedentary
D)suggest that modern humans were more mobile than the Neanderthals

Which of the following reflects Richard Klein's view of the origin of modern human behavior?
A)Modern human behavior developed in Africa 200,000 years ago
B)The humans from Qafzeh were behaviorally modern
C)Modern human behavior resulted from a mutation that led to the development of the fully modern brain
D)All of the above

McBrearty and Brooks have proposed an alternative to Klein's view of modern human origins. McBrearty and Brooks suggest
A)that modern human behavior developed in Europe about 30,000 years ago
B)that modern human behavior developed in the Middle East at sites like Qafzeh
C)that modern humans developed in Africa along with the evolution of modern humans
D)none of the above

The Lapedo child
A)has been dated to about 24.500 years ago
B)is a modern human but may share some characteristics with the Neanderthals
C)has been viewed as a hybrid by some biological anthropologists
D)all of the above

The St. Césaire Neanderthal was associated with
A)a Chételperronian industry
B)a microlithic industry
C)an Acheulian industry
D)a Levalloiso-Mousterian industry

In Europe, modern humans appear to have replaced the Neanderthals
A)about 100,000 years ago
B)about 15,000 years ago
C)about 30,000 years ago
D)about 70,000 years ago

Which of the following behaviors are shared by Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans
A)the widespread manufacture of bone implements
B)the manufacture of the Chételperronian industry
D)all of the above

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