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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Modern humans may have replaced the Neanderthals in the Middle East because
A)modern humans had larger brains
B)modern humans had projectile weapons and larger social networks
C)modern humans slaughtered the Neanderthals and took their hunting grounds
D)all of the above

The term Late Stone Age refers to the late Pleistocene stone industries from
A)sub-Saharan Africa
C)the Middle East
D)East Asia

During the coldest phases of the late Pleistocene, the Near East
A)was covered with glaciers
B)had temperatures as warm as those of today
C)had a climate that was both colder and drier than today's
D)was covered with dense forests

The environments of the Levantine region of the Near East include
A)forests and tundra
B)steppes, deserts, and areas of Mediterranean vegetation
C)dense rainforests and scrub forests
D)all of the above

Another name for the Initial Upper Paleolithic industry in the Near East is the

The site of Boker Tachtit in the Negev area
A)was occupied between 45,000 and 38,000 years ago
B)shows a gradual transition from a specialized Levallois technique to the production of blades from blade cores
C)is located near a spring at the mouth of a box canyon
D)all of the above

Which of the following industries are part of the early Upper Paleolithic?
A)the Ahmarian and the Levantine Aurignacian
B)the Emiran and the Kebaran
C)the Geometric Kebaran and the Natufian
D)all of the above

The Ahmarian and the Levantine Aurignacian are roughly contemporary early Upper Paleolithic industries in the Levant. Most scholars think that
A)the Ahmarians were hunters, while the Levantine Aurignacians were gatherers
B)the Ahmarian is a local development, while the Aurignacian may have been introduced from elsewhere, possibly Europe
C)the Levantine Aurignacian includes more blades and bladelets
D)all of the above

Most archaeologists think that the early Upper Paleolithic population in the Near East was
A)large and concentrated along the sea coasts
B)small and concentrated entirely in the desert areas
C)small and highly mobile
D)increasingly sedentary

Zooarchaeological comparative collections
A)are made up of modern specimens
B)can help archaeologists identify fragmentary animal bones
C)all archaeologists to identify both the species and the parts of the body for archaeological animal bones
D)all of the above

Which techniques fo archaeologists use to estimate relative importance of the various animal species in an archaeological assemblage?
A)MNI only
B)NISP only
D)neither MNI nor NISP; archaeologists use cementum annuli to estimate the relative importance of the species

Which of the following kinds of zooarchaeological data can be used to determine the age of animals at death?
A)limb bones and teeth
B)butchery marks
C)carnivore tooth marks
D)all of the above

Which of the following cannot be determined from animal bones?
A)reconstructing past hunting practices and subsistence patterns
B)identifying the season of occupation of a site
C)determining the role of plant foods in the diet
D)studying animal domestication

A well-known example of a Kebaran Complex site is
A)Ein Gev I
B)Boker Tachtit
C)Nelson Bay Cave
D)Klassies River Mouth

In Africa, Late Stone Age industries are characterized by
A)the use of the Levallois technique
C)large numbers of microliths
D)split-base bone points

The Late Stone Age site of Nelson Bay Cave has produced evidence for
A)stone net sinkers
C)small bone gorges
D)all of the above

Foragers are hunter-gatherers who
A)reside in one place for most of the year
B)rely primarily on gathered plants
C)move on a seasonal basis to make use of different plant and animal resoures
D)hunt with bows and arrows

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