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Exercise 13.9

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Exercise 13.9 (23.0K)

Write an obit based on the following information, which is from an Associated Press story.
Name—Gilda Radner
Date of death—Saturday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles
Cause of death—Cancer
Date of services—Private
Background—Miss Radner was a comedienne who was one of the original stars of "Saturday Night Live." She died in her sleep at about 6:20 a.m., according to hospital spokesman Ron Wise. She was the creator of such memorable characters as Roseanne Roseannadanna and Emily Litella. She was married to actor Gene Wilder, who was at her side when she died.
More background—She had recently completed a book about her battle against cancer. She told Life magazine in a 1988 interview: "Cancer is about the most unfunny thing in the world." She was a regular on "Saturday Night Live" from 1975 to 1980. She appeared on that program with such stars as Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman, Garrett Morris, Bill Murray and the late John Belushi.
More background—She had been diagnosed
with ovarian cancer in 1986; she underwent nine months of chemotherapy. By 1988 the disease was in remission. She had undergone radiation therapy and other treatments as recently as February. She had also undergone surgery. According to Wise, she re-entered the hospital Wednesday. In recent years, she had appeared in several movies, but her fame was carved in NBC's "Saturday Night Live."
More background—Executive producer of "Saturday Night Live" is Lorne Michaels, who said that word of Miss Radner's death "stunned" everyone on the set. In fact, on Saturday night's show, host Steve Martin led off with a clip of a 1978 comedy routine that starred Miss Radner and him cavorting to "Dancing in the Dark" in a silent burlesque of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Quotation—Martin's voice was thick with emotion when he told the "Saturday Night Live" audience: "When I look at that tape, I can't help but think how great she was, and how young I looked. Gilda, we miss you."
More background—According to family spokeswoman Rachel McCallister, memorial services will be private.