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News Writing and Reporting for Today's Media, 7/e
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Exercise 9.1
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Exercise 9.1

Download this exercise below and use your text-editing software to complete it. When you are finished, either e-mail or hand-in the exercise to your instructor.
Exercise 9.1 (20.0K)

Here are the opening nine paragraphs of a hard news story in The East Valley Tribune in suburban Phoenix, reporting that the city's elementary school district approved a new contract for teachers. Rewrite the story into a feature. What interviews might you conduct, or what additional sources might you consult to rewrite it? You can assume that by the time your feature runs, the news has been reported.
     Tempe Elementary District teacher and governing board bargaining teams agreed Thursday to a two-year teacher salary, benefits and working conditions package.
     The plan calls for a 2.65 percent increase in the teacher base salary next school year and a 4.5 percent base increase the following year, if voters approve a budget override.
     The package will not become policy until a majority of the board and teachers approve it.
     Connie Thomas, Getz School principal and board team spokeswoman, said the board would offer a 2.65 percent base increase as a compromise between its earlier 2 percent proposal and the teachers' 3.3 percent proposal.
     "The board feels that that's its absolute last offer, 2.65, because nothing beyond that is possible," Thomas said.
     Teachers will also receive a traditional 5 percent longevity increase and a 4.25 percent education increase for eligible teachers with extra college credits.
     Starting salary for the next school year will be $17,470, if the package is approved.
     Starting salary for the second year of the contract would be $18,256. Base salary this year is $17,019.
     The plan calls for a top teacher salary next school year of $37,624.