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True and Quasi-Experimental Designs
This ERIC digest describes the strengths and limitations of specific types of quasi-experimental and true experimental designs.
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Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research: Writing Guide
This guide provides information about a wide range of topics related to experimental research, including: independent and dependent variables, matching and randomization, and research methods.
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Experimental Designs
Explore this online tutorial about factorial, interrupted time series, and regression-discontinuity experimental designs. Each section includes an overview of the design, an illustrative example, and basic data analysis.
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Participate in this interactive, online workshop which discusses how to use general and specific strategies to achieve control in research studies. Includes information about how to control for factors that can introduce bias or error into research.
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Manipulation Checks in Experimental Research
This online workshop provides information about how to successfully manipulate the independent variable in an experiment.
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University of Florida's Cooperative Extension Service
The University of Florida's Cooperative Extension Service: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences briefly explains characteristics and problems associated with experimental research.
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Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
David Stockburger of Southwest Missouri State University maintains an online statistics text which details considerations concerning experimental design. Specifically, the site examines the manner in which the experiment will be set-up and the way the treatments were administered to subjects.
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Effects of Task-Focused Goals on Low-Achieving Students With and Without Learning Disabil...
The American Educational Research Association provides a variety of onine resources, including journal abstracts from the American Educational Research Journal. The article, "Effects of Task-Focused Goals on Low-Achieving Students With and Without Learning Disabilities," provides an example of experimental research.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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