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About Checklists
Includes resources that discuss the methodology and development of checklists. Provides ready-made checklists for the field of program evaluation.
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This resource from the Chicago Public Schools offers a "Rubric Bank" with rubrics for all subject areas. Also included is a guide on how to create a rubric from scratch.
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Designing Structured Interviews for Educational Research
This ERIC digest discusses basic building blocks of a structured interview, points out potential pitfalls, and suggests ways for the researcher to avoid them in order to produce a set of questions that have the best possibility of generating reliable, accurate data.
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Anecdotal Record Keeping
This article shares one teacher’s experiences with anecdotal record keeping in her classroom. Discusses the advantages of using anecdotal records and illustrates how to implement this method in the classroom.
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Learning Styles Inventories
This article shows how one teacher utilizes the first weeks of school to help students identify their learning styles. Includes links to learning style inventories and related articles.
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Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation (PARE)
This online journal offers articles that address topics in assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice.
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Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements publishes the Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print series, arranges the Buros-Nebraska Symposium on Measurement and Testing, and sponsors the journal, Applied Measurement in Education.
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National Council on Measurement in Education
The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization of about 2,300 members. Many members are involved in the construction and uses of educational tests or the development and evaluation of measurement models and methods. NCME members are committed to the continual improvement of testing and measurement practices in education.
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ACT, Inc.
ACT, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization that provides educational services to students and their parents, to high schools and colleges, to professional associations and government agencies, and to business and industry.
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Educational Testing Service (ETS)
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) is a private, nonprofit organization devoted to educational measurement and research, primarily through testing. It develops and administers millions of achievement and admissions tests each year in the U.S. and 180 other countries.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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