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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Mr. Danji wanted to engage students' attention for a new instructional activity on oceans. He played a few minutes of a film clip that showed unusual sea creatures at great depths. He was establishing:
A)an orientation set.
B)an evaluative set.
C)optimization of time.
D)a transition set.
Which of the following does not contribute to more efficient use of instructional time?
A)time on task
B)maintaining momentum
C)establishing an interactive climate
D)smooth transitions
Debra Mueller, a high school student teacher, asked her class, "What do you think about the economic crisis in 2001? Do you think that it was caused by the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center? If not, do you think it started well before then? Which administration do you think began the slide?" Debra's mentor told her that:
A)these were thoughtful, convergent questions.
B)these were all content questions.
C)these were all close-response questions.
D)these were multiple questions.
One factor that causes a loss of engaged time in the classroom is that students are not attentive to instruction (daydream, etc.). What is the second factor?
A)The student practices incorrectly.
B)The school schedules field trips, pep rallies, special programs, and so forth.
C)There is lunch, movement to classes, recess, homeroom, and so forth.
D)The teacher takes attendance, gives instructional directions, and so forth.
What is the amount of time intended or scheduled for academic activities called?
A)academic learning time
B)allocated time
C)mandated time
D)academic instruction time
Mrs. Miranda, a fifth grade teacher, thought she could easily find her materials from last year's science lesson, so she didn't put them out the afternoon before. However, as she finished math and began to look for the materials, they were not where she had thought they would be. As she looked for them, her class began to talk loudly. When she found the materials, she had to spend several minutes quieting her class down. Her lack of preparation most affected her:
B)anticipatory set
D)none of the above
"What is the capital city of France? How about Great Britain? Who can tell me which of these countries has a queen?" Mr. Steward was teaching a social studies class. What type of questions was he asking?
A)divergent questions
B)higher-level questions
C)convergent questions
D)process questions
Mrs. Wong asked, "Who can tell me why plants are green?" Several students raised their hands, but Mrs. Wong waited about five seconds before she called on a student. She was following educational research on:
B)wait time
D)a content question
"Why did the US use atomic weapons in World War II?" asks Mrs. Nath. No one answers. "What was one of America's main reasons for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan in WWII given in our discussion yesterday?" What type of questioning technique is this?
B)probing to raise the level of a student response
C)probing to help a student answer correctly
Good feedback should:
A)be made on the students' intentions or motivations
B)always be provided by the teacher
C)be given as soon after the performance as possible
D)be general in nature

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