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Time Control and Concentration Quiz
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Choose the best answer

Which of the following is not one of the four principal steps that you should take to gain control of your time?
A)Use a daily or weekly "to do" list.
B)Use a large monthly calendar.
C)Keep your schedule flexible.
D)Make up a weekly study schedule.
E)Consult course outlines.
During a study session, you should try to ignore lapses of concentration.
You can probably study most effectively in a
A)very tense position.
B)slightly tense position.
C)completely relaxed position.
Studying may be most effective in time blocks of
A)15 minutes.
B)30 minutes.
C)60 minutes.
D)120 minutes.
The value of regular study hours is that
A)you will make studying a habit.
B)you will stay up-to-date on courses.
C)you will learn more effectively by spacing your study sessions.
D)all of the above will happen.
When you make up a "to do" list, you should
A)schedule one-hour blocks of study time.
B)mark down exam deadlines.
C)decide on priorities.
D)hang it on your wall.
As a general rule, you should not reward yourself after a period of effective study time.
One benefit of setting specific study goals at the start of a study session is that
A)you work on one subject during an entire study session.
B)you keep track of your lapses of concentration.
C)you avoid working on difficult subjects.
D)your task is broken down into manageable units.

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