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Activity-System Map  A diagram showing how a company's strategy is delivered through a set of supporting activities.
Core Capabilities  Skills that differentiate the manufacturing or service firm from its competitors.
Key Performance Indicators  A set of measures that help managers evaluate a company's economic performance and help spot the need for changes in operations.
Operations Strategy  Setting broad policies and plans for using the resources of a firm to best support the firm's long-term competitive strategy.
Order Qualifier  A dimension that is used to screen a product or service as a candidate for purchase.
Order Winner  A dimension that differentiates the products or services of one firm from another.
Plant-Within-a-Plant (PWP)  A concept in which different locations within a facility are dedicated to different product lines. Each location is operated according to its own strategy in order to minimize the confusion associated with shifting from one type of strategy to another.
Productivity  A measure of how well resources are used.
Straddling  Occurs when a company seeks to match what a competitor is doing by just adding new features, services, or technologies to existing activities. This often creates problems due to the compromises that may need to be made.

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