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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The religion of which group of people believed that homosexuality and heterosexuality occurred because the original humans were double creatures with twice the normal number of limbs and organs?
A)ancient Greeks
B)ancient Chinese
C)early Muslims
D)early Christians
A surprise finding of Clelia Mosher's survey of 47 women living in the Victorian era showed that a majority:
A)engaged in sex only to reproduce.
B)did not know birth control existed.
C)enjoyed sex.
D)were ignorant about orgasms.
________ founded the first sex research institute and administered the first large-scale sex survey in Germany.
A)Sigmund Freud
B)Magnus Hirschfeld
C)Henry Havelock Ellis
D)Richard von Kraft-Ebing
Henry Havelock Ellis:
A)founded psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
B)believed that sexual deviations from the norm are often harmless.
D)established the first journal devoted to the study of sex.
An anthropologist who studied sexual behavior in other cultures was:
A)Alfred Kinsey.
B)Virginia Masters.
C)Sigmund Freud.
D)Margaret Mead.
The finding that college students who watch soap operas on television are more likely than nonviewing students to overestimate the incidence of divorce is an example of:
B)social learning.
D)cultural context.
Taboos against incest:
A)are nearly universal.
B)are common just in Western societies.
C)emerged in the 1950s.
D)all of these.
Which of the following statements is supported by cross-cultural research on variations in sexual techniques?
A)Kissing is common in most societies.
B)Cunnilingus occurs only in Western societies.
C)The frequency of intercourse for married couples remains fairly constant from one culture to the next.
D)Most societies encourage people to engage in intercourse at particular times.
Which of the following is a general rule emerging from cross-cultural studies on homosexuality?
A)Same-gender sexuality is found in only a few societies.
B)Males are more likely to engage in same-gender sexual behavior than females.
C)Same-gender sexual behavior is the predominant form of sexual behavior for adults in many societies.
D)Females are more likely to engage in same-gender sexual behavior than males.
Data on social class variations in sexuality in the United States indicate:
A)the more educated the respondents, the less likely they are to have masturbated within the last year.
B)most persons who do not engage in oral sex are from the highest educational groups.
C)the percentage of people who have had two or more sex partners is about the same at all educational levels.
D)women with advanced degrees are less likely to have an abortion than those who did not complete high school.
The marriage rate is LOWEST in which of the following American ethnic groups?
A)White Americans
B)African Americans
D)Asian Americans
Abortion is considered ethical among some Asian American groups because:
A)Asian societies are traditionally repressive about sexuality.
B)Japanese Americans have a high incidence of multiple sex partners.
C)it has been traditionally viewed in China as desirable in order to avoid mass starvation.
D)Asian Americans tend to marry later than other ethnic groups.
Which of the following behaviors has been found to be uniquely human?
B)same-gender sexual behavior
C)female orgasm
D)none of these

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