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Multiple Choice Quiz
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With combination birth control pills:
A)relatively high levels of estrogen prevent ovulation by inhibiting FSH production.
B)progestin keeps the cervical mucus thick so that it is difficult for sperm to penetrate.
C)progestin changes the lining of the uterus so that implantation of a fertilized egg is unlikely.
D)all of these.
Advantages of combination birth control pill use include:
A)nearly 100 percent effectiveness if used properly.
B)safety with women over 35 who are cigarette smokers.
C)protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
D)nearly 50 percent effectiveness if used properly.
Which of the following is a health risk for women taking the pill?
A)benign liver tumors which can eventually be fatal.
B)higher chances of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.
C)increased vaginal discharge and susceptibility to vaginitis.
D)All of these.
Which type of contraceptive pill is considered acceptable for the first six weeks after birth when breastfeeding?
A)combination birth control pills
B)triphasic birth control pills
C)high estrogen pills
D)progestin-only pills
Emergency contraception:
A)is called the "morning after pill" because it consists of a single pill and needs to be taken the morning after unprotected intercourse.
B)reduces the risk of pregnancy by only 55 percent.
C)is not yet available in the United States.
D)is available in most states only if the woman is seen by a physician or other health care professional.
In mid-2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:
A)rejected a proposal to make Plan B available over the counter.
B)backed the distribution of Plan B to prevent unintended pregnancies.
C)banned the use of Plan B, citing health concerns.
D)promoted the use of Plan B in poor and overpopulated countries.
Which of the following is true of the IUD?
A)Two IUD types are currently available in the United States, the copper-T and the Progestasert.
B)The IUD works by preventing ovulation.
C)The IUD is most effective in women who have never had children and younger women.
D)Most women notice no side effects when using an IUD.
Which of the following is accurate with regard to use of the male condom?
A)Most contraceptive failures are caused by defects in the condoms themselves.
B)Combined with a contraceptive foam or cream or a diaphragm, male condoms are close to 100 percent effective.
C)Condoms should be pulled down to fit snugly over the glans of the penis, leaving no space at the tip.
D)For purposes of contraception, a man does not need to put on a condom until he is ready to ejaculate.
Which of the following forms of contraception is most effective at protecting against sexually transmitted diseases?
A)The Patch.
B)Emergency contraception.
D)Depo-Provera injections.
Which of the fertility awareness methods only determines "safe" days after ovulation?
A)the calendar method
B)the basal body temperature method
C)the cervical mucus method
D)the sympto-thermal method
A)create physical changes that interfere with erections.
B)interfere with sex hormone production.
C)have high rates of complications and side effects.
D)can be reversed in many cases.
When adolescents are asked why they do not use contraceptives, the reasons they give include:
A)believing that they couldn't get pregnant.
B)problems obtaining contraception.
C)negative attitudes and feelings about contraception.
D)All of these.
Research on the effects of abortion have found:
A)severely negative psychological reactions in most women who have had abortions.
B)no long-term consequences for children whose mothers would have preferred to have an abortion.
C)a common reaction of a feeling of helplessness in male "abortion veterans."
D)severe long-term physical problems, such as sterility, in most women who have had abortions.

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