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acculturative stress  The negative consequences that result from contact between two distinctive cultural groups.
approach/approach  conflict A conflict in which the individual must choose between two attractive stimuli or circumstances.
approach/avoidance conflict  A conflict involving a single stimulus or circumstance that has both positive and negative characteristics.
avoidance/avoidance conflict  A conflict in which the individual must choose between two unattractive stimuli or circumstances.
burnout  A state of physical and emotional exhaustion that includes a hopeless feeling, chronic fatigue, and low energy.
catharsis  The release of anger or aggressive energy by directly or vicariously engaging in anger or aggression; the catharsis hypothesis states that behaving angrily or watching others behave angrily reduces subsequent anger.
cognitive appraisal  Lazarus' term for individuals' interpretation of the events in their lives as harmful, threatening, or challenging and their determination of whether they have the resources to effectively cope with the events.
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)  Selye's term for the common effects on the body when stressors persist. The GAS consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.
hardiness  A personality style characterized by a sense of commitment (rather than alienation), control (rather than powerlessness), and a perception of problems as challenges (rather than threats).
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  An anxiety disorder that develops through exposure to a traumatic event, severely oppressive situations, severe abuse, and natural and unnatural disasters.
psychoneuroimmunology  The scientific field that explores connections among psychological factors (such as attitudes and emotions), the nervous system, and the immune system.
stress  The response of individuals to stressors.
stressors  The circumstances and events that threaten individuals and tax their coping abilities.
Type A behavior pattern  A cluster of characteristics-being excessively competitive, hard-driven, impatient, and hostile-is related to the incidence of heart disease.
Type B behavior pattern  Relaxed and easygoing personality.

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