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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The hard determinist argues that (1) causal determinism is true and (2) causal determinism and free actions are incompatible, therefore
A)some free actions are uncaused.
B)hard determinism is false.
C)some actions free.
D)there are no free actions.
Modern science proves that
A)every event has a cause.
B)some events are uncaused.
C)all events are essentially random.
D)some random events are caused.
The view that free actions are uncaused is advocated by
A)Richard Taylor.
B)Thomas Hobbes.
C)William James.
D)John Locke.
The doctrine of causal determinism is vindicated by
A)reflective common sense.
D)none of the above.
According to hard determinism, if there are no free actions,
A)some people can be held responsible for what they do.
B)no one can be held responsible for what he or she does.
C)indeterminism must be true.
D)only moral agents can be held responsible for what they do.
According to traditional compatibilism
A)free actions and causal indeterminism are compatible.
B)free actions and causal determinism are compatible.
C)causal determinism and libertarianism are compatible.
D)free actions and external restraint are compatible.
According to traditional compatibilism, a free action
A)must be caused by one's will.
B)must not be externally constrained.
C)must have a cause.
D)all of the above.
If your actions are caused by your will, and if they are not externally constrained, then
A)your actions can still fail to be free.
B)your actions are free.
C)your actions are both free and unfree.
D)your choices are up to you.
According to hierarchical compatibilism, a free action
A)is one performed in response to first-order desires.
B)is caused by second-order volitions that one decisively identified with.
C)is impossible unless one can do otherwise.
D)can be induced by an ingenious physiologist.
Self-conscious beings
A)are unaware of first-order desires.
B)can have desires about first-order desires.
C)cannot have both first-order and second-order desires.
D)are unaware of second-order desires.
According to libertarianism,
A)agent causation does not require substance dualism.
B)a rational choice need not involve an infinite regress of reasons or choices.
C)second-order volitions are caused by the agent.
D)all of the above.
From the fact that we can sometimes be deceived about whether we are acting freely, we can conclude that
A)we can never act freely.
B)we do not perform free actions but often believe that we do.
C)free will is an illusion.
D)none of the above.
According to libertarianism, an action is free
A)as long as it is caused by our will.
B)only if we have control over our will.
C)as long as our choices are second-order volitions.
D)as long as we believe that the action is free.
Agent-causation is
A)the causation that occurs when one event causes another.
B)the causation that occurs when events cause an agent to perform a certain action.
C)the causation that occurs when an agent believes that he or she is in control.
D)the causation that occurs when an agent causes an event.
According to Nozick, self-subsuming principles
A)are self-explanatory.
B)do not require other principles to support them.
C)show that our choices need be neither arbitrary nor irrational.
D)all of the above.

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