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Chapter Review Quiz
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What is rehearsal in the context of reading and studying?
A)Writing information down as you study
B)Repeatedly reciting information out loud as you study
C)Taking specific steps to transfer information into long term memory
D)All of the above

Why is rehearsal important to memory?
A)Rehearsal helps you store what you have learned in long-term memory.
B)Rehearsal helps you look like you know what you're talking about in class.
C)Rehearsal allows you to skip studying for exams.
D)Rehearsal is like cramming; you should avoid it.

When should you begin test preparation?
A)At the very beginning of the semester
B)The day before the test
C)If you read the material right the first time, you won't have to study for tests.
D)It depends on how much you already know about the material.

Why is it important to organize material as you study?
A)You will be able to memorize it more efficiently.
B)Preparing organizational tools will help you store information in long-term memory.
C)You will save time and avoid anxiety as you come closer to the test date.
D)All of the above.

What is NOT the best way to rehearse material after you have organized it?
A)Cramming, so you don't forget anything before the test
B)Reciting from review cards
C)Reciting from test review sheets
D)Writing out material from memory

What should you spend most of your study time doing when preparing for an exam?
A)Rereading the textbook
B)Rereading all handouts from your instructor
C)Rereading all your class notes
D)Memorizing information to transfer it to long-term memory

What can you do to effectively prepare for a test?
A)Start to review several days ahead of time.
B)Ask your instructor what kind of test will be given and what will be included on it.
C)Avoid test anxiety by using an effective test review plan and doing some daily preparation.
D)All of the above.

What is distributed practice?
B)A single study session done all at once
C)Study sessions that are spaced out over time
D)A useful way to practice taking tests

What should you do the night before the test?
A)Stay up as late as you can studying.
B)Reread your textbook from the beginning to make sure you remember everything.
C)Find something fun to do to distract you from worrying about the test.
D)Make a final review of the material, get a good night's rest, and avoid activities that will create interference that can make it harder to recall information during the test.

What use can students make of tests and exams?
A)When you get a test back from your instructor, you can study the test to see what you missed and why.
B)A test is an opportunity to demonstrate to yourself and your instructor how much you have learned.
C)A test is an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your test preparation techniques.
D)All of the above.

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