Hillier/Lieberman 8/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Introduction to Operations Research, 8/e

Frederick S Hillier, Stanford University
Gerald J Lieberman, Stanford University

ISBN: 0073017795
Copyright year: 2005

What's New

New material to the 8th edition includes:

* New textbook material includes: a chapter on metaheuristics; and sections on constraint programming, multiechelon inventory models for supply chain management, spreadsheet usage, and Crystal Ball simulation software.
* Expanded coverage of spreadsheets. The 8th edition now features a CD-only chapter on "The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets" and several new or expanded textbook sections on spreadsheet modeling.
* Additional software options provided on the CD-ROM, including: LINDO, LINGO, Crystal Ball Professional Edition (including OptQuest and CB Predictor modules), and Solver Table.
* Several new examples for nearly every book chapter now is provided on both the CD-ROM and the Online Learning Center (OLC).
* A new glossary for every book chapter also has been added to the CD-ROM and OLC..
* A reduction of more than 150 pages in the size of the book by shifting little-used material and some cases to the CD-ROM and OLC.
* Data files for various cases have been added to the CD-ROM and OLC.
Introduction to Operations Research Cover

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