Math and Dosage Calculations
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Math and Dosage Calculations for Medical Careers, 2/e

Kathryn A. Booth
James Whaley

ISBN: 0073018953
Copyright year: 2007


Given the importance of performing accurate math and dosage calculations and the potential lack of time available to teach the subject, the Math and Dosage Calculations for Medical Careers program includes multiple resources and ancillaries for your convenience.

    1. Comprehensive student CD-ROM that directly and completely corresponds with the student textbook. The textbook and CD-ROM can be used for classroom study or independent self-study. Students can review with multiple drill and practice question sections that include graphics and animation to attract attention, increase interest, and improve comprehension. After completing a chapter in the book and the exercises on the CD-ROM, students can print their scores to document their proficiency. This comprehensive CD-ROM along with the student text could be used as part of a distance education course for independent student study, or as a hybrid course for dosage calculations.
    2. Instructor’s Manual with additional activities and tests for each chapter that include the solutions. Plus detailed solutions to all questions are provided in the student self-study text. Alternative chapter evaluation tests and pretest and posttest are included with the Effective Instruction CD-ROM.
    3. Effective Instruction CD-ROM includes EZ Test generator PowerPoint presentations for each chapter, plus a figure browser. EZ Test allows instructors to create their own tests from the database of test questions. The PowerPoint presentations can be used for classroom instruction or for independent study. These presentations include “Apply Your Knowledge” questions to promote discussion and interactivity. The figure browser provides over 50 labels and other graphics to use for your own tests, worksheets, or presentations.
    4. Online Learning Center provides fluid and valuable resources for you as well as correlated student and password-protected instructor resources. These include case studies; math concept review section; Power Points; Career Opportunities; and games such as Concentration, crossword puzzles, flashcards; and drug company links.
Math and Dosage Calculations for Medical Careers Cover

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