1 |  |  Contemporary Information Systems are interfacing with customers and suppliers using : |
|  | A) | BPR |
|  | B) | CRM |
|  | C) | SCM |
|  | D) | Both A and B |
|  | E) | Both B and C |
2 |  |  Information systems that support the business functions that reach out to suppliers are known as: |
|  | A) | back office information systems |
|  | B) | decision support systems |
|  | C) | expert information systems |
|  | D) | front office information systems |
|  | E) | none of the above |
3 |  |  Which of the following is not a class of information system applications? |
|  | A) | database management system |
|  | B) | decision support system |
|  | C) | expert system |
|  | D) | management information system |
|  | E) | office automation system |
4 |  |  Who are the people that actually use the system to perform or support the work to be completed? |
|  | A) | system analysts |
|  | B) | system designers |
|  | C) | system owners |
|  | D) | system builders |
|  | E) | none of the above |
5 |  |  Which is not a typical business function? |
|  | A) | Sales |
|  | B) | Service |
|  | C) | Manufacturing |
|  | D) | Accounting |
|  | E) | Benefits and Compensation |
6 |  |  The flow of transactions through business processes to ensure appropriate checks and approvals are implemented is called: |
|  | A) | procedures |
|  | B) | work flow |
|  | C) | process flow |
|  | D) | process requirements |
|  | E) | procedures |
7 |  |  Language-based, machine-readable representations of what a software process is supposed to do, or how a software process is supposed to accomplish its task is known as: |
|  | A) | prototyping |
|  | B) | software specifications |
|  | C) | application programs |
|  | D) | human engineering |
|  | E) | none of the above |
8 |  |  A specification of how the user moves from window to window, interacting with the application programs to perform useful work is called: |
|  | A) | interface specifications |
|  | B) | software specifications |
|  | C) | user dialog |
|  | D) | prototyping specifications |
|  | E) | navigation specification |
9 |  |  Examples of keyless interfaces include: |
|  | A) | bar coding, OCR, pen, and voice recognition |
|  | B) | mouse, OCR, pen, and voice recognition |
|  | C) | keyboard, OCR, pen, and voice recognition |
|  | D) | all of the above |
|  | E) | none of the above |
10 |  |  Open database connectivity (OBDC) tools are an example of: |
|  | A) | layerware |
|  | B) | tool kit |
|  | C) | interfaceware |
|  | D) | middleware |
|  | E) | none of the above |