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Actividades culturales
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Antes de navegar

List three different holidays celebrated in your area, and explain how those holidays are celebrated.

Al navegar

Cienfuegos is a very important Cuban city. It was founded in the 19th century, and today is one of the most modern and developed of Cuba’s large cities. The province of Cienfuegos is in the central, southern area, and the provincial capital is 245 kilometers from Havana. Visit the following website and answer questions about Cienfuegos.

¿En qué temas se dividen las fiestas anuales en Cienfuegos?
¿Qué fiesta patriótica de Cienfuegos se celebra también en los Estados Unidos, pero con otro motivo?
¿Cuántos días dura la fiesta de La Fundación de la Ciudad?
En la Festividades por Santa Bárbara ¿cómo se llama la esclava protagonista de la Historia?
¿Qué fiesta religiosa no tiene una fecha fija?
Now visit this site to find out what happened in Cuba on the day you were born. Then, list the information here. Include the day and year you were born, and at least three events.

Después de navegar

Imagine that you have to organize events for a festival in your area. First, choose a date and make up a festival name. Then describe at least five activities that you would propose for the celebrations. This can be written in a brochure style, with short phrases to draw attention and interest to the information.

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