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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Barb Dwyer wants to use levels-of-processing theory to improve her poor memory. According to this theory, what type of memory improvement strategy would she use?
A)Avoid the interfering effects of noise and other distractions while she learns new information.
B)Try to rush through the material she wants to learn as quickly as possible so she can rely on first impressions.
C)Form as many personal associations and images as she can to the items she wants to remember.
D)Keep practicing what she wants to remember by repeating the same things over and over again.

In the levels-of-processing experiment, words learned under the _______ condition are supposed to be LESS likely to be remembered.

The "levels" in levels-of-processing theory refer to:
A)how deeply information is processed.
B)the color and shape of items.
C)whether information is spoken or seen.
D)the number of items to be remembered.

Britt and Brett are trying to study chemistry formulas for the next exam. Britt tells Brett about what he learned in his psych course, which is that they will learn more if they use a "deep" level of processing. In this example, how might they use this method?
A)Read the formulas out loud to each other.
B)Copy them over without thinking about them.
C)Read the formulas on their own.
D)Try to make up ways to use the letters in funny sentences.

When you were shown a list of words in this interactivity, you were best able to remember ones for which you evaluated their meaning. The theory that memory is better for items that have been processed in terms of their meaning (rather than sound or appearance) is known as:
A)echoic transference.
B)implicit memory.
C)associational modeling.

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