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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Death seekers:
A)believe they are simply hastening an inevitable death.
B)intend to end their lives but do not believe that death means the end of their existence.
C)are ambivalent about dying and take actions that greatly increase their chances of death but do not guarantee death.
D)clearly and explicitly seek to end their lives and may have had intentions to commit suicide for a long period of time.
Both _____ _____ and _____ _____ may be ambivalent about their desire to die.
A)death seekers; death darers
B)death ignorers; death initiators
C)death initiators; death darers
D)death seekers; death initiators
People with serious illnesses who commit suicide fall into the category of:
A)subintentional death.
B)death ignorer.
C)death initiator.
D)death seeker.
According to Shneidman, which of the following terms would apply to someone with skin cancer who continues to frequent tanning booths?
A)subintentional death
B)death ignorer
C)death darer
D)death seeker
Which of the following statements is false in regards to suicide?
A)It is difficult to obtain accurate suicide rates.
B)The rates of suicide are overestimated.
C)Between 5 and 16 percent of people report having had suicidal thoughts at some time.
D)Many people who attempt suicide do not seek professional help.
Men are more likely than women to do all of the following except:
A)take a drug overdose.
B)shoot themselves.
C)stab themselves.
D)drink alcohol when they are distressed.
Which of the following statements is true in regards to the differences among ethnic/racial groups in the rates of suicide?
A)The suicide rates among African American males has decreased in recent decades.
B)European Americans have higher suicide rates than all other groups in the United States.
C)European American youth are more likely to attempt suicide than Hispanic American youth.
D)Australia has a higher suicide rate than Latin America.
Adolescents who attempt suicide:
A)are looking for attention and help in solving their problems.
B)do so without thinking about it first.
C)rarely ever die by their actions.
D)rarely do so more than once.
The single best predictor of future suicide attempts and completions is:
A)drug and alcohol abuse.
B)ownership of a handgun.
D)a previous history of a suicide attempt.
Suicide committed by people who experience severe disorientation because of a large change in their relationships with society is known as:
A)altruistic suicide.
B)egoistic suicide.
C)anomic suicide.
D)confusion suicide.
Suicide committed by people who feel alone, lacking in social contacts, and alienated from other people is known as:
A)altruistic suicide.
B)egoistic suicide.
C)anomic suicide.
D)confusion suicide.
The phenomenon of clusters of suicide occurring non-randomly in space or time is referred to as:
A)suicide impulsivity.
B)suicide vulnerability.
C)suicide infection.
D)suicide contagion.
One problem with Freud's theory of suicide is that:
A)it claims that suicidal people are depressed when most suicidal people suffer from mania.
B)it emphasizes the outward expression of anger rather than anger turned inward on the self.
C)it claims that suicidal people express anger rather than guilt in suicide notes.
D)it is difficult to test and therefore hard to evaluate.
The most common disorder among people who commit suicide is:
B)anxiety disorder.
C)borderline personality disorder.
D)mood disorder.
The cognitive variable that has most consistently predicted suicide is:
Evidence that suicide runs in families:
A)is weak but still assumed to be true by most researchers.
B)has been gathered through twin and adoption studies.
C)is nonexistent despite intensive examination by researchers.
D)has not been generated from empirical studies.
The medication(s) most consistently shown to reduce risk of suicide is/are:
Which of the following medications is not prescribed to reduce suicidal behaviors?
Dialectical behavior therapy:
A)is a psychodynamic approach to addressing suicidal behaviors and thoughts.
B)was originally developed to treat people with drug and alcohol abuse.
C)evolved from the findings of family history and twin studies that suggested there is a genetic vulnerability to suicide.
D)addresses individuals' difficulties in managing negative emotions.
Studies of the effects of broadly based suicide prevention/education programs have suggested that:
A)these programs are so helpful that they should be mandatory in schools.
B)it is most effective to simultaneously target both the general population and those at high risk for suicide.
C)those who have already made suicide attempts benefit the most form these programs.
D)they are not very helpful and might do harm.

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