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Multiple Choice Quiz
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There are special challenges in studying psychopathology. Which of the following is not one of these special challenges?
A)Populations of interest can be difficult to convince to participate in research studies.
B)The scientific method is not appropriate for research on abnormality.
C)Abnormal behaviors and feelings are difficult to measure accurately.
D)Most forms of abnormality have multiple causes.
Working from most general to most specific (from left to right), which ranking of terms is accurate?
In scientific research, the null hypothesis:
A)predicts a positive or negative relationship between the phenomena being studied.
B)is rarely supported.
C)defines the way variables will be measured or manipulated.
D)is often challenged using a variety of methodologies.
A disadvantage of case studies is a lack of:
A)attention to detail.
C)emphasis on individuals' unique experiences.
D)consideration of new ideas.
A major problem for correlational studies is that they:
A)cannot establish whether one variable causes another.
B)suffer from a low level of external validity.
C)can be difficult to conduct ethically.
D)involve random assignment to a condition.
Researchers administer measures of alcohol use and impulsivity to incoming college students during their orientation to a university. They predict that higher levels of impulsivity will be associated with increased alcohol consumption. This type of study is a:
A)group comparison study.
B)longitudinal study.
C)continuous variable study.
D)longitudinal group comparison study.
A correlational coefficient of +0.80 indicates that:
A)there is a perfect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
B)there is no relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
C)values of the independent variable and the dependent variable are almost the same.
D)as values of the independent variable increase, values of the dependent variable increase.
Researchers studying the relationship between intelligence and frequency of watching sports find that questionnaires measuring these variables are correlated .30, p > .05. This suggests that:
A)As intelligence increases, sports watching tends to decrease, and this finding is likely not due to chance alone.
B)As intelligence decreases, sports-watching tends to increase, but this finding is likely due to chance alone.
C)As intelligence increases, sports watching also increases, and these findings are likely not due to chance alone.
D)There is no relationship between intelligence and sports watching, because the correlation is not statistically significant.
In epidemiological studies, the incidence of a disorder is:
A)the number of new cases of the disorder that develop during a specific period of time.
B)the proportion of the population that has the disorder at a given point or period of time.
C)the number of people who have the disorder at some point in their lives.
D)the proportion of the population who will be diagnosed with the disorder in any 12-month period.
Which type of study, if done correctly, may establish a causal relationship?
A)correlational studies
B)longitudinal studies
C)cross-sectional studies
D)therapy outcome studies
An advantage of both human laboratory and therapy outcome studies is they:
A)do not involve statistical significance tests.
B)have good internal validity.
C)involve very few ethical issues.
D)do not involve random assignment to condition.
Which of the following are used to avoid demand characteristics?
A)process debriefings
B)filler measures
C)third variables
D)random assignment
To control third variables in an experimental study, researchers:
A)use statistical significance tests.
B)conduct a longitudinal study.
C)create a control condition.
D)attempt to increase external validity.
In therapy outcome studies, researchers:
A)attempt to increase psychopathology.
B)do not use control groups for ethical reasons.
C)are able to determine exactly what it is about a therapy that works.
D)assess the impact of interventions.
A specific type of single-case experimental design in which an intervention is introduced, withdrawn, and then reinstated and the participant's behavior is examined on and off treatment is called the:
A)ABBA design
B)reversal design
C)random design
D)control design
Animal studies:
A)provide results that can be easily generalized to humans.
B)are free from the ethical concerns of human studies.
C)are not useful when examining some human conditions such as depression.
D)are crucial to research on drug effectiveness.
Which of the following is not a challenge of cross-cultural research?
A)It can be difficult to apply concepts that were developed in one culture to another culture.
B)It can be difficult to translate research measures into different languages.
C)It is on the decline and considered too complicated to result in valuable data.
D)It can lead to demands for the designation of "healthy" and "unhealthy" cultures.
When conducting a meta-analysis, the researcher transforms the results of each study into a statistic called the:
A)sample size.
B)file drawer effect.
C)coefficient factor.
D)effect size.
Which of the following statements about Janice Egeland's study of the Amish is true?
A)The Amish varied greatly in education and income status and were therefore difficult to study.
B)The manifestations of depression and mania were different in the Amish.
C)The Amish were poor candidates for genetic studies of mood disorders, although much was still learned by studying them.
D)The researchers violated ethical guidelines by studying the Amish because the Amish did not wish to be studied by outsiders.
Which of the following is not a right of research subjects?
A)the right to understand the nature of the research
B)the right to confidentiality of identity
C)the right to refuse participation
D)the right to know all deceptions used in the research

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