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Chapter Outline
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Chapter 6: Stress Disorders and Health Psychology
Extraordinary People: Norman Cousins: Healing with Laughter
Physiological Responses to Stress
               Health Psychology
               Stress, Coronary Heart Disease, and Hypertension
               Stress and the Immune System
Sleep and Health
               Sleep Deprivation
               Sleep Disorders
Personality and Health
               The Type A Behavior Pattern
               Social Support
Interventions to Improve Health
               Guided Mastery Techniques
               Sociocultural Interventions
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, and Adjustment Disorder
               The Role of Trauma in PTSD
Taking Psychology Personally: What to Do If You've Been Sexually Assaulted
               Explanations of PTSD Vulnerability
               Treatments for PTSD
Chapter Integration

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