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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Alan has a sense of fearfulness and watchfulness. Which type of anxiety symptom is he exhibiting?
Which of the following statements is false in regards to adaptive fear?
A)The amount of fear is in proportion to the reality of the threat.
B)The fear subsides when the threat ends.
C)There is a great deal of anticipatory anxiety.
D)People's concerns are realistic.
Which of the following is not required for a diagnosis of panic disorder?
A)The panic attacks are a common occurrence.
B)The panic attacks are usually not provoked by any particular situation.
C)The panic attacks occur in clusters over a short period of time.
D)The panic attacks result in change in behaviors as a result of worrying about when an attack may occur.
According to cognitive theorists, people prone to panic attacks:
A)pay little attention to their actual bodily sensations.
B)have increased anxiety sensitivity.
C)do not benefit from having a "safe person" in their presence.
D)have decreased interoceptive awareness.
Which of the following types of drugs are not used to treat panic attacks?
A)tricyclic antidepressants
C)selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
People who fear embarrassing themselves in front of other people have a:
A)natural environment type phobia.
B)specific phobia.
C)situational type phobia.
D)social phobia.
According to behavioral theories:
A)operant conditioning helps to maintain a fear of a phobic object.
B)operant conditioning leads to the fear of the phobic object.
C)avoiding exposure to a feared object reduces anxiety and is therefore considered positive reinforcement.
D)phobias can not develop through direct classical conditioning.
Intensively exposing individuals to their feared object until their anxiety extinguishes is called:
A)systematic desensitization.
B)applied tension.
According to Freud, when individuals are repeatedly prevented from expressing their id impulses, they experience:
A)realistic anxiety.
B)moral anxiety.
C)neurotic anxiety.
D)sexual anxiety.
People with generalized anxiety disorder:
A)have severe short-term symptoms of anxiety in specific situations.
B)often experience mood disorders.
C)continually try to find ways that they might cope with an event if it were to happen.
D)have an excess of gamma-aminobutyric acid.
Which of the following theories suggests that generalized anxiety results from children not receiving unconditional positive regard from significant others?
A)psychodynamic theory
B)humanistic theory
C)existential theory
D)cognitive theory
Which of the following statements about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is false?
A)OCD is classified as an anxiety disorder.
B)Obsessions can be thoughts, images, ideas, or impulses.
C)People with OCD are considered to be psychotic because of their inability to control their thoughts and behaviors.
D)People with OCD are aware of how irrational their thoughts and behaviors are.
OCD tends to begin:
A)between 6 and 15 years of age for women and between 20 and 29 years of age for men.
B)between 6 and 15 years of age for both genders.
C)between 20 and 29 years of age for both genders.
D)between 6 and 15 years of age for men and between 20 and 29 years of age for women.
Which of the following statements about obsessive-compulsive disorder is false?
A)OCD tends to be a chronic disorder if left untreated.
B)There does not appear to be a consistent gender difference in rates of OCD.
C)In the countries that have been studied, the rates of OCD do not vary widely.
D)In the United States, African Americans show a higher prevalence of OCD than do European Americans.
Which of the following is the most common type of obsession in individuals with OCD?
A)hurting one's child
B)dirt and contamination
C)shouting obscenities
D)pornographic images
Which of the following theories view OCD as a neurobiological disorder?
A)psychodynamic theory
B)humanistic theory
C)biological theory
D)cognitive theory
Which of the following describes a brain circuit hypothesized to be dysfunctional in OCD?
A)orbital frontal cortex →caudate nucleus →thalamus
B)basal ganglia →thalamus →orbital frontal cortex
C)thalamus →orbital frontal cortex →amygdala
D)caudate nucleus →hypothalamus →orbital frontal cortex
According to cognitive-behavioral theories of OCD, which of the following is not a reason why people with the disorder have trouble turning off their intrusive thoughts?
A)They may be generally anxious or depressed.
B)They have a tendency toward rigid, moralistic thinking.
C)They believe they have no control over their thoughts.
D)They equate having the thoughts with actually engaging in the behavior.
Which of the following is an effective treatment for OCD?
B)serotonin reuptake inhibitors
D)tricyclic antidepressants
The failure of which type of drug to treat OCD provided a clue that OCD is different from other anxiety disorders?
B)serotonin reuptake inhibitors
D)tricyclic antidepressants

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