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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Compared to early childhood, growth during middle childhood
A)accelerates moderately.
B)stays about the same.
C)slows considerably.
D)slows moderately.
Annie, a normal 7-year-old, would be expected to do all the following activities well EXCEPT
A)close her eyes and balance on one foot.
B)play hopscotch, a game that requires hopping and jumping accurately into small squares.
C)throw a small ball about 70 feet.
D)walk on 2-inch-wide balance beams without losing her balance.
Caregivers and doctors should be seriously concerned about school-age children who are obese because these children
A)all of these.
B)suffer few, if any, negative emotional consequences from being overweight.
C)can fall behind in physical and social functioning.
D)will most likely grow out of their condition and become normal-weight adults.
Which of the following can trigger an asthma attack?
A)all of these.
B)cockroach droppings and mold.
C)tobacco smoke in the home.
D)severely stressful events.
As a concrete operational thinker, Staci can do something now that she could not do as a preoperational thinker. Staci can now
A)understand that other people have feelings that may be different from her own.
B)search for and find hidden objects.
C)understand that roses are a subclass of the category "flowers."
D)use symbolic thought.
Piaget understood that children do not grasp all of the different conservation tasks at one time; certain tasks, like conservation of substance, typically come before others, like conservation of volume. Piaget's term for this inconsistency in development is
A)transitive inference.
B)horizontal décalage.
While helping his father with dishes after dinner, Danny accidentally drops six dishes that all break. Another boy, Sidnney, is helping his mother with the dishes and becomes angry at her. He purposely smashes a dish on the floor. According to Piaget's theory of moral reasoning, will a 5-year-old child judge Danny or Sidney as more naughty?
A)Sidney, because he was angry and intended to break the dish
B)Danny, because he broke more dishes
C)It would depend on how their mothers feel about the broken dishes.
D)Both boys are equally naughty.
Which of the following children is showing an example of metamemory?
A)Albert, who can arrange his computer games in categories according to which cartoon characters they feature
B)Alan, who can add 3 and 5 by "counting on" from five, up to 8.
C)Annie, who tries but cannot remember all the kids who came to her last birthday party
D)Anya, who realizes that she cannot remember which rides she rode during a trip to Disneyland two years ago because it was a long time ago
As she studied her history lesson, Rebecca related what she was reading to stories she had heard from her parents and grandparents about when their ancestors had come to the United States. Rebecca is using which memory strategy?
B)an external memory aid
Which of the following is a major criticism of the IQ tests that are widely used in the United States, such as the WISC-III?
A)IQ tests do not predict academic performance very well.
B)Not enough standardization has been done to assure the reliability of IQ tests.
C)They are not used widely enough.
D)Timed tests equate intelligence with speed, and they penalize children who work slowly and deliberately.
When selling a variety of souvenir items with different prices on the street, Paolo quickly figures how much the tourists owe him, and he always gives correct change. Given the same calculations in school, however, Paolo has a difficult time working them out. According to Sternberg, Paolo is strong in _____ intelligence, but weak in _____ intelligence.
A)componential; experiential
B)experiential; componential
C)contextual; componential
D)experiential; contextual
Which of the following is TRUE of good conversational skills?
A)all of these.
B)Conversation requires the ability to recognize and repair a breakdown in communication.
C)Some 7-year-olds are better conversationalists than some adults.
D)Good conversationalists ask questions before introducing unfamiliar topics.
Research suggests that the best method for teaching reading is
A)a blend between the phonetic and whole-language approaches.
B)the whole-language approach.
C)a natural immersion approach.
D)the phonetic approach.
Which of the following children is most likely to do well in school this year?
A)Nori, who is in a first-grade class of 12 children
B)Coral, whose parents sit with her and check her homework, and reward her for good grades with extra TV or computer time
C)Marlin, who tends to give up if he does not do well the first time he tries something
D)Chad, whose family just moved, and whose new school needs extensive repairs
Which child will have the most successful educational experience, according to research on second-language education?
A)Eduardo, whose school uses dual-language learning
B)Amelia, whose school uses bilingual education programs emphasizing the students' native languages
C)Humberto, who went through a separate English-immersion program before entering school
D)Carla, whose school uses an English-immersion approach

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