Eng Mech: Statics & Dynamics
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Table of Contents

Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics Companion Site

Michael E. Plesha, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gary L. Gray, Penn State
Francesco Costanzo, Penn State

ISBN: 0073134120
Copyright year: 2010

Table of Contents

Table of Contents–Statics
Statics Downloadable Table of Contents (264.0K)
  1. Introduction
  2. Vectors: Force and Position
  3. Equilibrium of Particles
  4. Moment of a Force and Equivalent Force Systems
  5. Equilibrium of Bodies
  6. Structural Analysis and Machines
  7. Centroids and Distributed Force Systems
  8. Internal Forces
  9. Friction
  10. Moments of Inertia

A. Technical Writing
B. Answers to Selected Problems

Table of Contents–Dynamics
Dynamics downloadable Table of Contents (175.0K)
  1. Setting the Stage for the Study of Dynamics
  2. Particle Kinematics
  3. Force and Acceleration Methods for Particles
  4. Energy Methods for Particles
  5. Momentum Methods for Particles
  6. Planar Rigid Body Kinematics
  7. Newton-Euler Equations for Planar Rigid Body Motion
  8. Energy and Momentum Methods for Rigid Bodies
  9. Mechanical Vibrations
  10. Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (THIS IS ONLINE ONLY)

A. Mass Moments of Inertia
B. Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body
C. Answers to Selected Problems

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