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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is true about multi–employer bargaining?
A)Most are found in the construction, longshoring, hotel, and hospital industries.
B)Most are found in occupations such as police, fire fighters, railroad workers, and airline pilots.
C)It is an example of employer decentralization in bargaining.
D)It helps increase competition that is strictly based on labor costs.
What historically led to greater centralization in bargaining structures?
A)Increased international competition
B)The growth of large corporations
C)Increased power struggles across different union leaders
D)Internal organizational factors
Fractional bargaining is best defined as
A)bargaining that takes place between management and each individual faction within one single union.
B)bargaining that takes place between management and each individual union within the company.
C)informal bargaining that takes place within the union itself because of diverse political interests.
D)informal bargaining that takes place between individual supervisors and workers or work groups.
In the 1980's, in the coal and trucking industries
A)decentralization led more employees to be covered by multi employer contracts.
B)the number of firms in these industries increased dramatically as a result of decentralization in bargaining structures.
C)fewer employees became covered by multi-company ("industry") contracts.
D)master agreements similar to those in other industries gained popularity as unions tried to regain the strength lost in earlier periods.
The NLRB tries to establish an election environment free of coercion and misinformation. Such an environment is labeled as
A)election conditions.
B)uncoercive conditions.
C)free environment.
D)laboratory conditions.

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