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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What percentage of the U.S population has access to the Internet?
The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in all its forms is called
A)digital literacy.
C)email accessible.
D)media literacy.
The ability to understand and make full, active, and informed use of computer sources is called
A)digital literacy.
C)email accessible.
D)media literacy.
One key difference between face-to-face communication and electronic groups is
A)In face-to-face communication, we have to wait our turn, whereas there is no such need in electronic groups.
B)In face-to-face communication, there is the experience of social leveling.
C)In electronic groups, channels to communication are synchronous.
D)Electronic groups are able to use a variety of channels.
In synchronous communication
A)people are linked directly.
B)people are not linked directly.
C)communication occurs in real time.
D)A and C only.
The author suggests that
A)face-to-face communication is better than computer-mediated communication.
B)computer-mediated communication is better than face-to-face communication.
C)each may be better than the other for a specific purpose.
D)the author does not make a suggestion either way.
CMC may be beneficial to socially reticent individuals because
A)they never really have to communicate.
B)they can shut down channels as they desire.
C)there is social leveling.
D)it removes the social pressure of immediate face-to-face reactions from others.
The author suggests that CMC is an equalizing experience because
A)status is elevated for all users.
B)status is lowered for all users.
C)status is not an issue for users.
D)the cost of CMC is the same for all users.
All of the following are true of control in CMC EXCEPT:
A)You can be restricted to only the topics being discussed by others.
B)You can govern the pace at which it occurs.
C)You can terminate conversations.
D)You can initiate communication.
When affection and emotion develop through CMC and equal or surpass face-to-face relationships, it is called
A)human contact
D)hyperpersonal CMC
Experimentation may include which of the following?
B)virtual reality
C)role playing
D)all of these
The believability of a person based on expertise, dynamism, trustworthiness, and ethics is called
Which of the following can make a poor impression?
A)bad spelling
B)improper grammar
C)excessive punctuation
D)these can all make a poor impression in CMC
Which of the following is NOT one of the essential criteria for developing online credibility?
A)using common sense in judging what is acceptable behavior
B)writing as much as you can about your ideas so that people online know what you mean
C)knowing what has been going on previously if you choose to contribute
D)allowing others enough time to respond to your ideas
The author suggests that
A)CMC is private communication.
B)CMC is not private communication.
C)good sense and self-protection should guide your CMC.
D)B and C only.
A group of people who may or may not meet face-to-face and who exchange words and ideas through mediated communication may be called a/an
A)virtual community.
B)work group.
C)mediated community.
D)blog group.
People with physical disabilities may find in virtual communities that
A)they have greater trouble forming new friendships.
B)their physical disability makes it difficult for them to participate.
C)they may be treated as if their disability does not exist.
D)people with disabilities do not enter into virtual communities.
Blogs are
A)web logs.
B)spontaneous public journals.
C)diaries in which Internet users share their lives.
D)all of the above define blogs.
Blogs are significant because
A)they are extensive on the Internet.
B)they have experienced rapid growth.
C)they are able to curb Internet addictions.
D)A and B only.
With regard to blogs, the author reminds the reader that
A)one must obtain a copyright in order to be a publisher on the Internet.
B)only experienced bloggers have the authority to publish on the Internet.
C)only owners of commercial websites and blogs have the authority to publish on the Internet.
D)anyone can be a publisher on the Internet.

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