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45.1 Behavior has a genetic basis
  • Behaviors have a genetic basis but can also be influenced by environmental factors.
  • The nervous and endocrine systems have immediate control over behaviors.
  1. What is behavior?
  2. What are the two types of questions central to the study of behavior and how is each type answered?
  3. How do genes control behavior?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points
  1. Behavior can be observed and described
  2. Inheritance of migratory behavior in birds
  3. Feeding behavior of garter snakes
  4. Egg-laying behavior of the sea slug
  5. Human studies
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45.2 Behavior undergoes development
  • Behaviors sometimes undergo development after birth, as when learning affects behavior.
  1. What are stereotyped and learned behaviors?
  2. What are the steps of operant conditioning?
  3. What is imprinting and why is it important?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points
  1. Fixed action patterns
  2. Song learning in birds
  3. Human studies
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45.3 Behavior is adaptive
  • Natural selection influences such behaviors as methods of feeding, avoiding predators, and reproducing.
  • Female selectivity of mates and male competition to secure a mate influences behavior and evolution.
  • Cost-benefit analyses can explain why certain behaviors are adaptive.
  1. Why do males most often compete for mates while females choose?
  2. Rituals that serve to coordinate partners for mating are called _____________.
  3. What is a dominance hierarchy?
  4. What is an area defended by an animal for the purposes of exclusive access to a resource?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points
  1. Behavioral traits evolve
  2. Female choice
  3. Male competition
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45.4 Animal societies
  • Animals living in societies have various means of communicating with one another.
  1. What are some different levels of social interaction?
  2. Chemical communication between members of the same species is carried out by ___________.
  3. What are the advantages of auditory communication?
  4. Which form of communication is most effective at a very close range? During the day at close range?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points
  1. Degrees of sociality
  2. Communicative behavior
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45.5 Sociobiology and animal behavior
  • Group living is adaptive in some situations and not in others.
  • Behaviors that appear to reduce fitness may be found to increase fitness on closer examination.
  1. What behavioral sub-discipline applies the principles of evolutionary biology to the social behavior of animals?
  2. What are some of the benefits and costs of living in a group?
  3. What is inclusive fitness and how does it help to explain apparent altruism in an evolutionary context (the "goal" of every individual is to increase the number of offspring it leaves in the next generation)?
Essential Study Partner Summaries of major points
  1. Sociobiology
  2. Group living
  3. Altruism vs. self-interest
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