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English Glossary (abdominal through coronary angioplasty)
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abdominal [åb-D3M-7-nål] cavity  Body space between the abdominal walls, above the pelvis, and below the diaphragm.
abdominocentesis [åb-D3M-7-no-s6n-TE-s7s]  Incision into the abdomen to remove fluid or relieve pressure.
abortifacient [å-bor-t7-FA-sh6nt] {abortifaciente}  Medication to prevent implantation of an ovum.
abortion [å-BOR-sh9n] {aborto}  Premature ending of a pregnancy.
abruptio placentae [åb-R4P-she-o plå-S1N-te]  Breaking away of the placenta from the uterine wall.
abscess [0B-s6s] {absceso}  Localized collection of pus and other exudate, usually accompanied by swelling and redness; infection and swelling of the soft tissue of the jaw.
absence seizure  Mild epileptic seizure consisting of brief disorientation with the environment.
absorb [åb-S3RB]  To take into.
absorption [åb-S3RP-sh9n] {absorción}  Passing of nutrients into the bloodstream.
acetabulum [ås-6-T0B-yu-l9m] {acetábulo}  Cup-shaped depression in the hip bone into which the top of the femur fits.
acetone [0S-6-ton] {acetona}  Type of ketone normally found in urine in small quantities; found in larger quantities in diabetic urine.
acetylcholine [ås-e-t7l-KO-len] {acetilcolina}  acetilcolina} Chemical that stimulates cells.
achalasia [åk-å-LA-zhe-å] {acalasia}  Inability of a muscle, particularly the cardiac sphincter, to relax.
achlorhydria [a-klor-HI-dre-å]  Lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
acidosis [ås-7-DO-s7s] {acidosis}  Abnormal release of ketones in the body.
acne [0K-ne] {acné}  Inflammatory eruption of the skin, occurring in or near sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulder, or upper back.
acne vulgaris [v9l-GAR-7s] {acne vulgar}  See acne.
acquired active immunity  Resistance to a disease acquired naturally or developed by previous exposure or vaccination.
acquired immunodeficiency [2M-yu-no-de-F2SH-6n-se]  AIDS) Most widespread immunosuppressive disease; caused by the HIV virus.
acquired passive immunity  immunity Inoculation against disease or poison, using ntitoxins or antibodies from or in another person or another species.
acromegaly [åk-ro-M1G-å-le] {acromegalia}  Abnormally enlarged features resulting from a pituitary tumor and hypersecretion of growth hormone.
acromion [å-KRO-me-8n] {acromion}  Part of the scapula that connects to the clavicle.
actinic keratosis [åk-T2N-7k K1R-å-to-s7s]  Overgrowth of horny skin that forms from over-exposure to sunlight; sunburn.
acupuncture [å-kyu-P4NK-chur]  Originally Chinese therapy that uses fine needles.
Adam's apple {manzana de Adán}  Thyroid cartilage, supportive structure of the larynx; larger in males than in females; protrusion in the neck caused by a fold of thyroid cartilage.
addict [0D-7kt]  One who is dependent on a substance (usually illegal, as narcotics) on a recurring basis.
Addison's [0D-7-s8nz] disease  Underactivity of the adrenal glands.
adenectomy [å-d6-N1K-to-me]  Removal of a gland.
adenohypophysis [0D-6-no-hi-P3F-7-s7s]  Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
adenoidectomy [0D-6-n8y-D1K-to-me] {adenoidectomía}  Removal of the adenoids.
adenoiditis [0D-6-n8y-DI-t7s] {adenoiditis}  Inflammation of the adenoids.
adenoids [0D-6-n8ydz] {adenoids}  Collection of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx; pharyngeal tonsils.
adipose [0D-7-pos] {adipose}  Fatty; relating to fat.
adrenal cortex [å-DRE-nål K3R-t6ks]  Outer portion of the adrenal gland; helps control metabolism, inflammations, sodium and potassium retention, and effects of stress.
adrenal gland {adrenal}  One of two glands, each of which is situated on top of each kidney.
adrenal medulla [m6-DUL-lå]  Inner portion of adrenal glands; releases large quantities of hormones during stress.
adrenalectomy [å-dre-nål-1K-to-me] {adrenalectomía}  Removal of an adrenal gland.
adrenaline [å-DR1-nå-l7n] {adrenalina}  Epinephrine; secreted by adrenal medulla.
adrenocorticotropic [å-DRE-no-KOR-t7-k8-TRO-p7k] hormone (ACTH)  Hormone secreted by anterior pituitary; involved in the control of the adrenal cortex.
aerotitis media [år-o-TI-t7s ME-de-å]  Inflammation of the middle ear caused by air pressure changes, as in air travel.
afferent [0F-6r-6nt] (sensory) neuron  Neuron that carries information from the sensory receptors to the central nervous system.
afterbirth [0F-t6r-b7rth] {secundina}  Placenta and membranes that are expelled from the uterus after birth.
agglutination [å-glu-t7-NA-sh9n] {aglutinación}  Clumping of cells and particles in blood.
agglutinogen [å-glu-T2N-o-j6n] {aglutinógeno}  Substances that cause agglutination.
aggressiveness [å-GR1S-7v-n6s]  Abnormal forcefulness toward others.
agitation [å-j7-TA-sh9n]  Abnormal restlessness.
agnosia [åg-NO-ze-å] {agnosia}  Inability to receive and understand outside stimuli.
agranulocyte [a-GR0N-yu-lo-sit] {agranulocito}  Leukocyte with nongranular cytoplasm.
AIDS [adz]  See acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
albinism [0L-b7-n7zm] {albinismo}  Rare, congenital condition causing either partial or total lack of pigmentation.
albumin [ål-BYU-m7n] {albúmina}  1. Simple protein; when leaked into urine, may indicate a kidney problem. 2. Simple protein found in plasma.
albuminuria [ål-byu-m7-NU-re-å] {albuminuria}  Presence of albumin in urine, usually indicative of disease.
aldosterone [ål-D3S-t6r-on] {aldosterona}  Hormone secreted by adrenal cortex; mineralocorticoid.
alimentary [ål-7-M1N-t6r-e] canal  Muscular tube from the mouth to the anus; digestive tract; gastrointestinal tract.
allergen [0L-6r-j6n] {alergeno}  Substance to which exposure causes an allergic response.
allergy [0L-6r-je] {alergia}  Production of IgE antibodies against an allergen.
allograft [0L-o-gråft] {aloinjerto}  See homograft.
alopecia [ål-o-PE-she-å] {alopecia}  Lack of hair in spots; baldness.
alopecia areata [ål-o-PE-she-å å-re-A-tå]  Loss of hair in patches.
alpha [0L-få] cells  Specialized cells that produce glucagon in the pancreas.
alpha rays  Type of radioactive particles that have a low ability to penetrate the body.
alpha-hydroxy [0L-få-hi-DR3K-se] acid  Agent added to cosmetics to improve the skin's appearance.
alternative medical system  Complete system of medical treatment outside the realm of conventional medicine.
alternative medicine  Medical therapies outside the realm of conventional medicine.
alveolar [ål-VE-o-lår]  Forming small sacs.
alveolus (pl., alveoli) [ål-VE-o-l9s (ål-VE-o-li)] {alvéolo}  Air sac at the end of each bronchiole.
Alzheimer's [0LTS-hi-m6rz] disease  A type of degenerative brain disease causing thought disorders, gradual loss of muscle control, and, eventually, death.
amalgam [å-M0L-gåm]  Mixture of metals or other substances used in fillings.
ambivalence [åm-B2V-a-lens]  Feeling of conflicting emotions about a person or issue.
amenorrhea [a-m6n-8-RE-å] {amenorrea}  Lack of menstruation.
amino [å-ME-no] acid {aminoácido}  Chemical compound that results from digestion of complex proteins.
amnesia [åm-NE-ze-å] {amnesia}  Loss of memory.
amniocentesis [0M-ne-o-s6n-TE-s7s] {amniocentesis}  Removal of a sample of amniotic fluid through a needle injected in the amniotic sac.
amnion [0M-ne-8n] {amnios}  Innermost membrane of the sac surrounding the fetus during gestation.
amniotic [åm-ne-3T-7k] {amniótico} fluid  Fluid surrounding the fetus and held by the amnion.
amphiarthrosis (pl., amphiarthroses) [AM-fi-ar-THRO-sis (AM-fi-ar-THRO-ses)] {anfiartrosis}  Cartilaginous joint having some movement at the union of two bones.
amputation [0M-pyu-TA-sh9n] {amputación}  Cutting off of a limb or part of a limb.
amylase [0M-7l-as] {amilasa}  Enzyme that is part of pancreatic juice and saliva and that begins the digestion of carbohydrates.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [a-mi-o-TRO-f7k L0T-6r-ål skl6-RO-s7s] (ALS)  Degenerative disease of the motor neurons leading to loss of muscular control and death.
anacusis [ån-å-KU-s7s] {anacusia}  Loss of hearing.
anal [A-nål] canal  Part of the digestive tract extending from the rectum to the anus.
anal fistula [A-nål F2S-tyu-lå]  Small opening in the anal canal through which waste matter can leak.
anal fistulectomy [A-nål f7s-tyu-L1K-to-me]  Removal of an anal fistula.
analgesic [ån-ål-JE-z7k] {analgésico}  Agent that relieves or eliminates pain.
anaphylaxis [0N-å-f7-L0K-s7s] {anafilaxia o anafilaxis}  Life-threatening allergic reaction.
anaplasia [ån-å-PLA-ze-å]  Loss of cell differentiation.
anaplastic [ån-å-PL0S-t7k]  Reverting to a more immature form.
anastomosis [å-N0S-to-MO-s7s] {anastomosis}  Surgical connection of two blood vessels to allow blood flow between them; surgical union of two hollow structures.
androgen [0N-dro-j6n] {andrógeno}  Any male hormone, such as testosterone.
anemia [å-NE-me-å] {anemia}  Condition in which red blood cells do not transport enough oxygen to the tissues.
anesthetic [ån-6s-TH1T-7k] {anestésico}  1. Agent that relieves pain by blocking nerve sensations. 2. Agent that causes loss of feeling or sensation. 3. Drug that causes temporary loss of ability to perceive sensations at a conscious level.
aneurysm [0N-yu-r7zm] {aneurisma}  Abnormal widening of an artery wall that bursts and releases blood; ballooning of the artery wall caused by weakness in the wall.
angina [0N-ji-nå, ån-JI-nå] {angina}  Angina pectoris.
angina pectoris [P1K-tor-7s, p6k-TOR-7s] {angina de pecho}  Chest pain, usually caused by a lowered oxygen or blood supply to the heart.
angiocardiography [ån-je-o-kår-de-3G-rå-fe]  Viewing of the heart and its major blood vessels by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium.
angiography [ån-je-3G-rå-fe]  Viewing of the heart's major blood vessels by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium.
angioplasty [0N-je-o-plås-te] {angioplastia}  Opening of a blocked blood vessel, as by balloon dilation.
angioscopy [ån-je-3S-ko-pe] {angioscopia}  Viewing of the interior of a blood vessel using a fiberoptic catheter inserted or threaded into the vessel.
angiotensin [ån-je-o-T1N-s7n] converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor  Medication used for heart failure and other cardiovascular problems; acts by dilating arteries to lower blood pressure and makes the heart pump easier.
anisocytosis [ån-I-so-si-TO-s7s] {anisocitosis}  Condition with abnormal variation in the size of red blood cells.
ankle [0NG-kl] {tobillo}  Hinged area between the lower leg bones and the bones of the foot.
ankyloglossia [0NG-k7-lo-GL3S-e-å] {anquiloglosia}  Condition of the tongue being partially or completely attached to the bottom of the mouth.
ankylosis [0NG-k7-LO-s7s] {anquilosis}  Stiffening of a joint, especially as a result of disease.
anorchism [ån-OR-k7zm], anorchia [-ke-å] {anorquia}  Congenital absence of one or both testicles.
anorexia nervosa [ån-o-R1K-se-å n6r-VO-så]  Eating disorder in which the patient refuses to eat enough to sustain a minimum weight; eating disorder with extreme weight loss.
anovulation [ån-8v-yu-LA-sh9n]  Lack of ovulation.
antacid [ånt-0S-7d] {antiácido}  Drug that lessens or neutralizes acidity.
anteflexion [ån-te-FL1K-sh9n]  Bending forward, as of the uterus.
anterior [ån-TER-e-or]  At or toward the front (of the body).
anthracosis [ån-thrå-KO-s7s] {antracosis}  Lung disease caused by long-term inhalation of coal dust; black lung disease.
antianginal [ån-te-0N-j7-nål]  Agent used to relieve or prevent attacks of angina.
antianxiety agent  Tranquilizer.
antiarrhythmic [ån-te-a-R2TH-m7k]  Agent used to help normalize cardiac rhythm.
antibacterial [0N-te-båk-TER-e-ål] {antibacteriano}  Agent that kills or slows the growth of bacteria.
antibiotic [0N-te-bi-3T-7k] {antibiótico}  Agent or drug that kills or slows the growth of harmful microorganisms.
antibody [0N-te-b8d-e] {anticuerpo}  Specialized protein that fights disease; also called immunoglobulin.
anticlotting  See anticoagulant.
anticoagulant [0N-te-ko-0G-yu-l6nt]  Agent that prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots.
anticonvulsant [0N-te-k8n-V4L-sånt]  Agent that lessens or prevents convulsions.
antidepressant [0N-te-de-PR1S-6nt]  Agent that controls the effects of clinical depression.
antidiabetic [0N-te-di-å-B1T-7k] {antidiabético}  Drug that lowers blood sugar or increases insulin sensitivity.
antidiarrheal [ån-te-di-å-RE-ål]  Agent that controls loose, watery stools.
antidiuretic [0N-te-di-yu-R1T-7k] hormone (ADH)  Posterior pituitary hormone that increases water reabsorption.
antidote [0N-te-dot] {antidoto}  Substance able to cancel out unwanted effects of another substance.
antiemetic [0N-te-6-M1T-7k]  Agent that prevents vomiting.
antifungal [0N-te-F4NG-ål] {antifúngico}  Agent or drug that kills or slows the growth of fungi.
antigen [0N-t7-j6n] {antígeno}  Any substance that can provoke an immune response.
antiglobulin [0N-te-GL3B-yu-l7n] test  Test for antibodies on red blood cells.
antihistamine [0N-te-H2S-tå-men] {antihistamina}  1. Agent that controls allergic reactions by blocking the effectiveness of histamines in the body. 2. Drug that reduces the action of histamines; used in allergy treatments.
antihyperglycemic [0N-te-HI-p6r-gli-SE-m7k]  Agent that lowers blood glucose.
antihypertensive  Agent that helps control high blood pressure.
antihypoglycemic [0N-te-HI-po-gli-SE-m7k]  Agent that raises blood glucose.
anti-infective [0N-te-7n-F1K-t7v]  See antibiotic.
anti-inflammatory (corticosteroids)  Agent that reduces inflammation.
anti-inflammatory  Agent that relieves the symptoms of inflammations.
antipruritic [0N-te-pru-R2T-7k]  Agent that controls itching.
antipsychotic [0N-te-si-K3T-7k] agent  Agent that relieves agitation and some psychoses.
antiseptic  Agent that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms.
antispasmodic [ån-te-spåz-M3D-7k]  Pharmacological agent that relieves spasms; also decreases frequency of urination; agent that controls intestinal tract spasms.
antitoxin [ån-te-T3K-s7n] {antitoxina}  Antibodies directed against a particular disease or poison.
antitubercular [ån-te-tu-B1R-kyu-lår]  Drug that stops the spread of tuberculosis.
antitussives [ån-te-T4S-s7vs]  Agents that control coughing.
antiviral [ån-te-VI-rål]  Drug that stops or slows the spread of a virus.
anuresis [ån-yu-RE-s7s]  Abnormal retention of urine.
anuria [ån-YU-re-å] {anuria}  Lack of urine formation.
anus [A-n9s] {ano}  Place at which feces exit the body.
anxiety [ånks-ZI-6-te]  Abnormal worry.
aorta [a-OR-tå] {aorta}  Largest artery of the body; artery through which blood exits the heart.
aortic regurgitation [re-G4R-j7-TA-sh9n] or reflux [REfl9ks]  Backward flow or leakage of blood through a faulty aortic valve.
aortic stenosis [st6-NO-s7s]  Narrowing of the aorta.
aortic valve  Valve between the aorta and the left ventricle.
aortography [a-or-T3G-rå-fe]  Viewing of the aorta by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium.
apex [A-p6ks] {apex}  Topmost section of the lung.
Apgar [0P-går] score  A rating of a newborn's Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, Respiration.
aphagia [å-FA-je-å] {afagia}  Inability to swallow.
aphakia [å-FA-ke-å] {afaquia}  Absence of a lens.
aphasia [å-FA-ze-å] {afasia}  Loss of speech.
apnea [0P-ne-å] {apnea}  Cessation of breathing.
apocrine [0P-o-kr7n] glands  Glands that appear during and after puberty and secrete sweat, as from the armpits.
apoptosis [a-p8p-TO-s7s]  Normal death of cells.
appendage [å-P1N-d7j] {apéndice}  Any body part (inside or outside) either subordinate to a larger part or having no specific central function.
appendectomy [åp-p6n-D1K-to-me]  Removal of the appendix.
appendicitis [å-p6n-d7-SI-t7s]  Inflammation of the appendix.
appendix [å-P1N-d7ks] {apéndice}  Wormlike appendage to the cecum.
apraxia [å-PR0K-se-å] {apraxia}  Inability to properly use familiar objects.
arachnoid [å-R0K-n8yd] {aracnoideo}  Middle layer of meninges.
areola [å-RE-o-lå] {aréola}  Darkish area surrounding the nipple on a breast.
arrhythmia [å-R2TH-me-å] {arritmia}  Irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
arterial [år-TER-e-ål] blood gases  Laboratory test that measures the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood.
arteriography [år-ter-e-3G-rå-fe]  Viewing of a specific artery by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium.
arteriole [år-TE-re-ol] {arteriola}  A tiny artery connecting to a capillary.
arteriosclerosis [år-TER-e-o-skl6r-O-s7s] {arteriosclerosis}  Hardening of the arteries.
arteriotomy [år-ter-e-3T-o-me]  Surgical incision into an artery, especially to remove a clot.
arteritis [år-ter-I-t7s] {arteritis}  Inflammation of an artery or arteries.
artery [0R-ter-e] {arteria}  A thick-walled blood vessel that, in systemic circulation, carries oxygenated blood away from the heart.
arthralgia [år-THR0L-je-å] {artralgia}  Severe joint pain.
arthritis [år-THRI-t7s] {artritis}  Any of various conditions involving joint inflammation.
arthrocentesis [0R-thro-s6n-T1-s7s] {artrocentesis}  Removal of fluid from a joint with use of a puncture needle.
arthrodesis [år-thro-DE-s7s]  Surgical fusion of a joint to stiffen it.
arthrography [år-THR3G-rå-fe]  Radiography of a joint.
arthroplasty [0R-thro-plås-te]  Surgical replacement or repair of a joint.
arthroscopy [år-THR3S-ko-pe]  Examination with an instrument that explores the interior of a joint.
articular [år-T2K-yu-lår] cartilage  Cartilage at a joint.
articulation [år-t7k-yu-LA-sh9n] {articulación}  Point at which two bones join together to allow movement.
asbestosis [ås-b6s-TO-s7s] {asbestosis}  Lung disorder caused by long-term inhalation of asbestos (as in construction work).
ascites [å-SI-tes] {ascitis}  Fluid buildup in the abdominal and peritoneal cavities.
aseptic [a-S1P-t7k]  Germ-free.
aspermia [a-SP1R-me-å] {aspermia}  Inability to produce sperm.
aspiration [ås-p7-RA-sh9n] {aspiración}  Biopsy in which fluid is withdrawn through a needle by suction.
asthenopia [ås-th6-NO-pe-å] {astenopía}  Weakness of the ocular or ciliary muscles that causes the eyes to tire easily.
asthma [0Z-må] {asma}  Chronic condition with obstruction or narrowing of the bronchial airways.
astigmatism [a-ST2G-må-t7zm] {astigmatismo}  Distortion of sight beca use of lack of focus of light rays at one point on the retina.
astringent [ås-TR2N-j6nt]  Agent that removes excess oils and impurities from the surface of skin.
astrocyte, astroglia [0S-tro-sit, ås-TROG-le-å] {astrocito, astroglia}  A type of neuroglia that maintains nutrient and chemical levels in neurons.
astrocytoma [0S-tro-si-TO-må] {astrocitoma}  Type of glioma formed from astrocytes.
asystole [a-S2S-to-le] {asistolia}  Cardiac arrest.
ataractic [å-tå-R0K-t7k]  Tranquilizer.
ataxia [a-T0K-se-å] {ataxia}  Condition with uncoordinated voluntary muscular movement, usually resulting from disorders of the cerebellum or spinal cord.
atelectasis [åt-6-L1K-ta-s7s] {atelectasia}  Collapse of a lung or part of a lung.
atherectomy [åth-6-R1K-to-me]  Surgical removal of an atheroma.
atheroma [åth-6r-O-må] {ateroma}  A fatty deposit (plaque) in the wall of an artery.
atherosclerosis [0TH-6r-o-skler-o-s7s] {ateriosclerosis}  Hardening of the arteries caused by the buildup of atheromas.
atlas [0T-lås] {atlas}  First cervical vertebra.
atresia [å-TRE-zhe-å] {atresia}  Abnormal narrowing, as of the ureters or urethra.
atrial fibrillation [f7-br7-LA-sh9n]  An irregular, usually rapid, heartbeat caused by overstimulation of the AV node.
atrioventricular [A-tre-o-v6n-TR2K-yu-lår] bundle  Bundle of fibers in the interventricular septum that transfer charges in the heart's conduction system; also called bundle of His.
atrioventricular block  Heart block; partial or complete blockage of the electrical impulses from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles.
atrioventricular (AV) node  Specialized part of the interatrial septum that sends a charge to the bundle of His.
atrioventricular valve  One of two valves that control blood flow between the atria and ventricles.
atrium (pl., atria) [A-tre-9m (A-tre-å)] {atrium}  Either of the two upper chambers of the heart.
atrophy [0T-ro-fe] {atrofia}  Wasting away of tissue, organs, and cells, usually as a result of disease or loss of blood supply.
audiogram [0W-de-o-gråm] {audiograma}  Graph that plots the acoustic frequencies being tested.
audiologist [åw-de-3L-o-j7st] {audiólogo}  Specialist in evaluating hearing function.
audiometry [åw-de-3M-6-tre] {audiometría}  Measurement of acoustic frequencies using an audiometer.
auditory ossicles [0W-d7-tor-e 3S-7-klz]  Three specially shaped bones in the middle ear that anchor the eardrum to the tympanic cavity and that transmit vibrations to the inner ear.
aura [0W-rå] {aura}  Group of symptoms that precede a seizure.
auricle [0W-r7-kl] {auricular}  Funnel-like structure leading from the external ear to the external auditory meatus; also called pinna.
auscultation [åws-k9l-TA-sh9n] {auscultación}  Process of listening to body sounds via a stethoscope.
autism [0W-t7zm]  Mental disorder usually beginning in early childhood with morbid self-absorption and difficulty in perceiving reality.
autograft [0W-to-gråft] {autoinjerto}  Skin graft using skin from one's own body.
autoimmune [åw-to-7-MYUN] disease  Any of a number of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma, caused by an autoimmune response.
autoimmune response  Overactivity in the immune system against oneself causing destruction of one's own healthy cells.
autonomic [åw-to-NOM-7k] nervous system  Part of the peripheral nervous system that carries impulses from the central nervous system to glands, smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and various membranes.
axis [0K-s7s] {axis}  Second cervical vertebra.
axon [0K-s8n] {axon}  Part of a nerve cell that conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body.
ayurveda [i-yur-VE-då]  Holistic alternative medicine system originally from India.
azoospermia [a-zo-o-SP1R-me-å] {azoospermia}  Semen without living sperm.
azotemia [åz-o-TE-me-å] {azoemia}  See uremia.
Babinski's [bå-B2N-skes] reflex  Reflex on the plantar surface of the foot.
bacilli (sing., bacillus) [bå-S2L-I (bå-S2L-9s)] {bacillo}  A type of bacteria.
bacterial endocarditis  Bacterial inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
bacterial meningitis [m6n-7n-JI-t7s]  Meningitis caused by a bacteria; pyrogenic meningitis.
balanitis [bål-å-NI-t7s] {balanitis}  Inflammation of the glans penis.
balloon catheter dilation  Insertion of a balloon catheter into a blood vessel to open the passage so blood can flow freely.
balloon valvuloplasty [V0L-vyu-lo-PL0S-te]  Procedure that uses a balloon catheter to open narrowed orifices in cardiac valves.
barium [B0-re-9m]  Contrast medium that shows up as white on an x-ray.
Bartholin's [B0R-tho-l6nz] gland  One of two glands on either side of the vagina that secrete fluid into the vagina.
basal cell carcinoma [BA-sål s6l kår-s7n-O-må]  Slow-growing cancer of the basal cells of the epidermis, usually a result of sun damage.
basal ganglia [BA-sål G0NG-gle-å]  Large masses of gray matter within the cerebrum.
base [bas] {base}  Bottom section of the lung.
basophil [BA-so-f7l] {basófilo}  Leukocyte containing heparin and histamine.
basophilia [ba-so-F2L-e-å] {basofilia}  Condition with an increased number of basophils in the blood.
behavior modification  Substitution of a beneficial behavior pattern for a destructive behavior pattern.
behavior therapy  Therapy that includes the use of behavior modification.
Bell's palsy [P0WL-ze]  Paralysis of one side of the face; usually temporary.
benign [b6-NIN]  Encapsulated; not malignant.
beta [BA-tå] blocker  Agent that lowers blood pressure by reducing contraction strength of the heart muscle; slows heartbeat.
beta [BA-tå] cells  Specialized cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.
beta rays  Type of radioactive particles that have a medium ability to penetrate the body.
bicuspid [bi-K4S-p7d]  Fourth and fifth tooth from the median of the jawline with two cusps.
bicuspid [bi-K4S-p7d] valve  Atrioventricular valve on the left side of the heart.
bile [bil] {bilis}  Yellowish-brown to greenish fluid secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in fat digestion.
bilirubin [b7l-7-RU-b7n] {bilirubina}  Substance produced in the liver; elevated levels may indicate liver disease or hepatitis when found in urine; pigment contained in bile.
Billroth's [B2LL-r8ths] I  Excision of the pylorus.
Billroth's II  Resection of the pylorus with the stomach.
biochemistry panel  Common group of automated tests run on one blood sample.
bioelectromagnetic-based therapy  Type of energy therapy using electromagnetic fields.
biofeedback [bi-o-FED-båk]  Method of measuring physical responses to emotional issues.
biofield therapy  Type of energy therapy that attempts to affect energy fields.
biological therapy  Treatment of cancer with agents from the body that increase immune response.
biologically-based therapy  The use of foods, herbs, vitamins, and minerals to heal or prevent disease.
biopsy [BI-8p-se] {biopsia}  Excision of tissue for microscopic examination.
bipolar [bi-PO-lår] disorder  Condition with drastic mood swings over a period of time.
birth control pills or implants  Medication that controls the flow of hormones to block ovulation.
birthmark  Lesion (especially a hemangioma) visible at or soon after birth; nevus.
B lymphocytes [L2M-fo-sits], B cells  Lymphocyte that manufactures antibodies.
black lung  See anthracosis.
blackhead {punto negro}  See comedo.
bladder [BL0D-6r] {vejiga}  Organ where urine collects before being excreted from the body.
bladder cancer  Malignancy of the bladder.
blepharitis [bl6f-å-RI-t7s] {blefaritis}  Inflammation of the eyelid.
blepharochalasis [bl6f-å-ro-K0L-a-s7s]  Loss of elasticity of the eyelid.
blepharoplasty [BL1F-å-ro-plåst-e]  Surgical repair of the eyelid.
blepharoptosis [bl6f-å-R3P-to-s7s]  Drooping of the eyelid.
blepharospasm [BL1F-å-ro-spåzm]  Involuntary eyelid movement; excessive blinking.
blindness {ceguera}  Loss or absence of vision.
blood [bl9d] {sangre}  Essential fluid made up of plasma and other elements that circulates throughout the body (arteries, veins, capillaries, and heart); delivers nutrients to and removes waste from the body's cells.
blood chemistry  Test of plasma for presence of a particular substance such as glucose.
blood culture  Test of a blood specimen in a culture medium to observe for particular microorganisms.
blood indices [IN-di-sez]  Measurement of the characteristics of red blood cells.
blood pressure  Measure of the force of blood surging against the walls of the arteries.
blood sugar, blood glucose  Test for glucose in blood.
blood [bl9d] system  Body system that includes blood and all its component parts.
blood types or groups  Classification of blood according to its antigen and antibody qualities.
blood vessel  Any of the tubular passageways in the cardiovascular system through which blood travels.
body {cuerpo}  Middle portion of the uterus; middle section of the stomach.
body-based therapy  See manipulative therapy.
bone {hueso}  Hard connective tissue that forms the skeleton of the body.
bone grafting  Transplantation of bone from one site to another.
bone head  Upper, rounded end of a bone.
bone marrow biopsy  Extraction of bone marrow, by means of a needle, for observation.
bone marrow transplant  Injection of donor bone marrow into a patient whose diseased cells have been killed through radiation and chemotherapy.
bone phagocyte [F0G-o-sit]  Bone cell that ingests dead bone and bone debris.
bone scan  Radiographic or nuclear medicine image of a bone.
bony necrosis [BON-e n6-KRO-s7s]  Death of portions of bone.
bowel [b8w-l] {intestino}  Intestine.
Bowman's capsule  Capsule surrounding a glomerulus and serving as a collection site for urine.
braces [BRA-s6z]  Appliances that straighten teeth slowly.
brachytherapy [brak-e-THAR-å-pe]  Implanting of radioactive elements directly into a tumor or tissue.
bradycardia [brad-e-K0R-de-å] {bradicardia}  Heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute.
bradypnea [brad-7p-NE-å] {bradipnea}  Abnormally slow breathing.
brain [bran] {cerebro}  Body organ responsible for controlling the body's functions and interactions with outside stimuli.
brain contusion [k8n-TU-sh9n]  Bruising of the surface of the brain without penetration.
brainstem {tronco encefálico}  One of the four major divisions of the brain; division that controls certain heart, lung, and visual functions.
brand name  See trade name.
breech [brech]  Birth canal position with feet or buttocks first.
bridge [br7dj]  Partial that is attached to other teeth.
Bright's disease  Inflammation of the glomeruli that can result in kidney failure.
bronchial alveolar lavage [BR3NG-ke-ål ål-VE-o-lår lå-V0ZH]  Retrieval of fluid for examination through a bronchoscope.
bronchial brushing  Retrieval of material for biopsy by insertion of a brush through a bronchoscope.
bronchiole [BR3NG-ke-ol] {bronquiolo}  Fine subdivision of the bronchi made of smooth muscle and elastic fibers.
bronchitis [br8ng-KI-t7s] {bronquitis}  Inflammation of the bronchi.
bronchodilators [br8ng-ko-di-LA-torz]  Agents that dilate the walls of the bronchi.
bronchography [br8ng-K3G-rå-fe] {broncografía}  Radiological picture of the trachea and bronchi.
bronchoplasty [BR3NG-ko-plås-te]  Surgical repair of a bronchus.
bronchoscope [BR3NG-ko-skop] {broncoscopio}  Device used to examine airways.
bronchospasm [BR3NG-ko-spåzm] {broncoespasmo}  Sudden contraction in the bronchi that causes coughing.
bronchus (pl., bronchi) [BR3NG-k9s (BR3NG-ki)] {bronquio}  One of the two airways from the trachea to the lungs.
bruit [bru-E] {ruido}  Sound or murmur, especially an abnormal heart sound heard on auscultation, especially of the carotid artery.
brush biopsy  The passing of a catheter with bristles into the ureter to gather cells for examination.
buccally [BUK-ål-le]  Inside the cheek.
bulbourethral [B4L-bo-yu-RE-thrål] gland  See Cowper's gland.
bulimia [bu-LEM-e-å]  Eating disorder with bingeing and purging.
bulimia nervosa [BU-lem-e-å, BU-l7m-e-å n6r-VO-så]  Eating disorder with extreme overeating followed by purging.
bulla (pl., bullae) [B4L-å (B4L-i)] {bulla}  Bubble-like blister on the surface of the skin.
bundle of His [h7z, h7s]  See atrioventricular bundle.
bunion [B4N-y9n] {bunio}  An inflamed bursa at the foot joint, between the big toe and the first metatarsal bone.
bunionectomy [b9n-y9n-1K-to-me] {bunionectomía}  Removal of a bunion.
burn {quemadura}  Damage to the skin caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or other skin irritants; bubble-like blister on the surface of the skin caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or other skin irritants.
bursa (pl., bursae) [B4R-så (B4R-se)] {bursa}  Sac lined with a synovial membrane that fills the spaces between tendons and joints.
bursectomy [b9r-S1K-to-me] {bursectomía}  Removal of a bursa.
bursitis [b9r-SI-t7s] {bursitis}  Inflammation of a bursa.
bypass  A structure (usually a vein graft) that creates a new passage for blood to flow from one artery to another artery or part of an artery; used to create a detour around blockages in arteries.
calcaneus [kål-KA-ne-9s] {calcáneo}  Heel bone.
calcar [K0L-kår] {calcar}  Spur.
calcitonin [kål-s7-TO-n7n] {calcitonia}  Hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands; helps control blood calcium levels.
calcium [K0L-se-9m] {calcio}  Mineral important in the formation of bone.
calcium channel blocker  Medication that lessens the ability of calcium ions to enter heart and blood vessel muscle cells; used to lower blood pressure and normalize some arrhythmias.
calices, calyces (sing., calix, calyx) [K0L-7-sez (K0-l7ks)] {calices, sing., cáliz}  Cup-shaped structures in the renal pelvis for the collection of urine.
callus [K0L-9s] {callo}  Mass of hard skin that forms as a cover over broken skin on certain areas of the body, especially the feet and hands.
CAM  Complementary and alternative medicine.
cancellous [K0N-s6-l9s] bone {canceloso}  Spongy bone with a latticelike structure.
candidiasis [kån-d7-DI-å-s7s] {candidiasis}  Yeastlike fungus on the skin, caused by Candida; characterized by pruritus, white exudate, peeling, and easy bleeding; examples are thrush and diaper rash.
canine [KA-nin]  Cuspid.
capillary [K0P-7-lår-e] {capilar}  A tiny blood vessel that forms the exchange point between the arterial and venous vessels.
carbon dioxide (CO2) {dióxido de carbono}  Waste material transported in the venous blood.
carbuncle [K0R-b9ng-kl] {carbunco}  Infected area of the skin producing pus and usually accompanied by fever.
carcinoma in situ [kår-s7-NO-må 7n SI-tu]  Localized malignancy that has not spread; contained at a site without spreading.
cardiac arrest  Sudden stopping of the heart; also called asystole.
cardiac catheterization [kåth-6-t6r-i-ZA-sh9n]  Process of passing a thin catheter through an artery or vein to the heart to take blood samples, inject a contrast medium, or measure various pressures.
cardiac cycle  Repeated contraction and relaxation of the heart as it circulates blood within itself and pumps it out to the rest of the body or the lungs.
cardiac enzyme tests/studies  Blood tests for determining levels of enzymes during a myocardial infarction; serum enzyme tests.
cardiac MRI  Viewing of the heart by magnetic resonance imaging.
cardiac [K0R-de-åk] muscle  Striated involuntary muscle of the heart.
cardiac scan  Process of viewing the heart muscle at work by scanning the heart of a patient into whom a radioactive substance has been injected.
cardiac tamponade [tåm-po-N0D]  Compression of the heart caused by fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac.
cardiomyopathy [K0R-de-o-mi-3P-å-the] {cardiomiopatía}  Disease of the heart muscle.
cardiopulmonary [K0R-de-o-P4L-mo-n6r-e] bypass  Procedure used during surgery to divert blood flow to and from the heart through a heart-lung machine and back into circulation.
cardiotonic [K0R-de-o-T3N-7k]  Medication for congestive heart failure; increases the force of contractions of the myocardium.
cardiovascular [K0R-de-o-V0S-kyu-lår]  Relating to or affecting the heart and blood vessels.
cardiovascular [K0R-de-o-V0S-kyu-lår] system  Body system that includes the heart and blood vessels; circulatory system.
caries [K0R-ez]  Tooth decay.
carotid [kå-R3T-7d] artery  Artery that transports oxygenated blood to the head and neck.
carpal [K0R-pål] tunnel syndrome  Pain and paresthesia in the hand due to repetitive motion injury of the median nerve.
carpus, carpal [K0R-p9s, K0R-pål] bone  Wrist; wrist bone.
cartilage [K0R-t7-låj] {cartílago}  Flexible connective tissue found in joints, fetal skeleton, and the lining of various parts of the body.
cartilaginous [kår-t7-L0J-7-n9s] disk  Thick, circular mass of cartilage between the vertebrae of the spinal column.
casting {colado}  Forming of a cast in a mold; placing of fiberglass or plaster over a body part to prevent its movement.
castration [kås-TRA-sh9n] {castración}  Removal of the testicles.
casts  Materials formed in urine when protein accumulates; may indicate renal disease.
CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan  Scan that shows images as detailed slices of a body part or organ.
catalepsy [K0T-å-l6p-se]  Trancelike state with holding of one pose for a long period of time.
cataract [K0T-å-råkt] {catarata}  Cloudiness of the lens of the eye.
catecholamines [kåt-6-KOL-å-menz] {catecolaminas}  Hormones, such as epinephrine, released in response to stress.
cathartic [kå-TH0R-t7k]  Agent that induces vomiting; also a strong laxative for emptying the bowels.
cauterization [kåw-t6r-i-ZA-sh9n] {cauterización}  Removal or destruction of tissue using chemicals or devices, such as laser-guided equipment.
cauterize [K0W-t6r-iz] {cauterizar}  To apply heat to an area to cause coagulation and stop bleeding.
cauterizing [K0W-t6r-iz-7ng]  Destroying tissue by burning.
cavity [K0V-7-te]  Tooth decay.
cecum [SE-k9m] {ciego}  Pouch at the top of the large intestine connected to the bottom of the ileum.
cell [s6l]  Smallest unit of a living structure.
cell body  Part of a nerve cell that has branches or fibers that reach out to send or receive impulses.
cell-mediated immunity  Resistance to disease mediated by T cells.
cellulitis [s6l-yu-LI-t7s] {celulitis}  Severe inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous portions of the skin, usually caused by an infection that enters the skin through an opening, such as a wound; characterized by local heat, redness, pain, and swelling.
cementum [se-M1N-t9m]  Bony material surrounding the root of the tooth.
central incisor  Tooth on either side of the center jawline.
central nervous system  The brain and spinal cord.
cerebellitis [s6r-6-b6l-I-t7s] {cerebelitis}  Inflammation of the cerebellum.
cerebellum [s6r-6-B1L-9m]  One of the four major divisions of the brain; division that coordinates musculoskeletal movement.
cerebral angiogram  X-ray of the brain's blood vessels after a dye is injected.
cerebral cortex [S1R-6-brål KOR-t6ks]  Outer portion of the cerebrum.
cerebral infarction [S1R-6-brål 7n-F0RK-sh9n]  See cerebrovascular accident.
cerebral palsy [S1R-6-brål P0WL-ze]  Congenital disease caused by damage to the cerebrum during gestation or birth and resulting in lack of motor coordination.
cerebrospinal [S1R-e-bro-spi-nål] fluid (CSF)  Watery fluid that flows throughout the brain and around the spinal cord.
cerebrovascular [S1R-e-bro-V0S-kyu-lår] accident (CVA)  Neurological incident caused by disruption in the normal blood supply to the brain; stroke.
cerebrum [S1R-6-br9m, s6-RE-br9m] {cerebrum}  One of the four major divisions of the brain; division involved with emotions, memory, conscious thought, moral behavior, sensory interpretations, and certain bodily movement.
cerumenous [s6-RU-m7n-9s] glands  Glands that secrete a waxy substance on the surface of the ear.
cervical [S1R-v7-kl] vertebrae  Seven vertebrae of the spinal column located in the neck.
cervicitis [s6r-v7-SI-t7s]  Inflammation of the cervix.
cervix [S1R-v7ks] {cervix}  Protective part of uterus, located at the bottom and protruding through the vaginal wall; contains glands that secrete fluid into the vagina.
cesarean [s6-ZA-re-ån] section  Surgical removal of the fetus through the abdomen.
chalazion [kå-LA-ze-8n] {chalazión}  Nodular inflammation that usually forms on the eyelid.
chancroids [SH0NG-kr8yds]  Bacterial infection that can be sexually transmitted; results in sores on the penis, urethra, or anus.
cheeks {carrillos}  Walls of the oral cavity.
cheilitis [ki-LI-t7s] {queilitis}  Inflammation of the lips.
cheiloplasty [KI-lo-plås-te]  Repair of the lips.
chemistry profile  See blood chemistry.
chemotherapy [KE-mo-TH0R-å-pe]  Treatment of cancer that uses drugs or chemicals to destroy malignant cells.
cherry angioma [ån-je-O-må]  A dome-shaped vascular angioma lesion that usually occurs in the elderly.
Cheyne-Stokes respiration [chan stoks r6s-p7-RA-sh9n]  Irregular breathing pattern with a period of apnea followed by deep, labored breathing that becomes shallow, then apneic.
chiropractic [ki-ro-PR0K-t7k]  Therapy based on alignment of the body (particularly the spine).
chiropractor [ki-ro-PR0K-tor] {quiropráctico}  Health care professional who work to align the spinal column so as to treat certain ailments.
chlamydia [klå-M2D-e-å] {clamidia}  Sexually transmitted bacterial infection affecting various parts of the male or female reproductive systems; the bacterial agent itself.
chloasma [klo-0Z-må] {cloasma}  Group of fairly large, pigmented facial patches, often associated with pregnancy.
cholangiography [ko-lån-je-3G-rå-fe]  X-ray of the bile ducts.
cholangitis [ko-lån-JI-t7s] {colangitis}  Inflammation of the bile ducts.
cholecystectomy [KO-le-s7s-T1K-to-me]  Removal of the gallbladder.
cholecystitis [KO-le-s7s-TI-t7s] {colecistitis}  Inflammation of the gallbladder.
cholecystography [ko-le-s7s-T3G-rå-fe] {colecistografía}  X-ray of the gallbladder.
choledocholithotomy [ko-L1D-o-ko-l7-TH3T-o-me]  Removal of stones from the common bile duct.
cholelithiasis [KO-le-l7-THI-å-s7s]  Gallstones in the gallbladder.
cholelithotomy [KO-le-l7-TH3T-o-me]  Removal of gallstones.
cholelithotripsy [ko-le-L2TH-o-tr7p-se]  Breaking up or crushing of stones in the body, especially gallstones.
cholesteatoma [ko-l6s-te-å-TO-må]  Fatty cyst within the middle ear.
cholesterol [ko-L1S-t6r-ol] {colesterol}  Fatty substance present in animal fats; cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream, sometimes causing arterial plaque to form.
chondromalacia [K3N-dro-må-LA-she-å] {condromalacia}  Softening of cartilage.
chorion [KO-re-8n] {corion}  Outermost membrane of the sac surrounding the fetus during gestation.
choroid [KO-r8yd] {coroides}  Thin posterior membrane in the middle layer of the eye.
chronic bronchitis  Recurring or long-lasting bouts of bronchitis.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Disease of the bronchial tubes or lungs with chronic obstruction.
chyme [kim] {quimo}  Semisolid mass of partially digested food and gastric juices that passes from the stomach to the small intestine.
cicatrix [S2K-å-tr7ks] {cicatriz}  Growth of fibrous tissue inside a wound that forms a scar; also, general term for scar.
cilia [S2L-e-å]  Hairlike extensions of a cell's surface that usually provide some protection by sweeping foreign particles away.
ciliary [S2L-e-år-e] body  Thick anterior membrane in the middle layer of the eye.
cineradiography [S2N-e-ra-de-3G-rå-fe]  Radiography of tissues or organs in motion.
circumcision [s6r-k9m-S2ZH-9n] {circuncisión}  Removal of the foreskin.
cirrhosis [s7r-RO-s7s] {cirrosis}  Liver disease, often caused by alcoholism.
clamps [klåmps]  Implement used to grasp a body part during surgery.
claudication [klåw-d7-KA-sh9n] {claudicación}  Limping caused by inadequate blood supply during activity; usually subsides during rest.
clavicle [KL0V-7-kl] {clavicula}  Curved bone of the shoulder that joins to the scapula; collar bone.
climacteric [kli-M0K-ter-7k] {climaterio}  Period of hormonal changes just prior to menopause.
clitoris [KL2T-o-r7s] {clítoris}  Primary organ of female sexual stimulation, located at the top of the labia minora.
closed  Performed without an incision.
closed fracture  Fracture with no open skin wound.
coagulant [ko-0G-yu-l6nt]  Clotting agent.
coagulation [ko-åg-yu-LA-sh9n] {coagulación}  Changing of a liquid, especially blood, into a semi-solid.
coarctation [ko-årk-TA-sh9n] of the aorta  Abnormal narrowing of the aorta.
cobalt [KO-båwlt]  Radioactive substance used in radiation therapy.
coccyx [K3K-s7ks] {cóccix}  Small bone consisting of four fused vertebrae at the end of the spinal column; tailbone.
cochlea [K3K-le-å] {caracol}  Snail-shaped structure in the inner ear that contains the organ of Corti.
coitus [KO-i-t9s] {coito}  Sexual intercourse.
cold sore  Eruption around the mouth or lips; herpes simplex virus Type 1.
colectomy [ko-L1K-to-me] {colectomía}  Removal of the colon.
colic [K3L-7k] {cólico}  Gastrointestinal distress, especially of infants.
colitis [ko-LI-t7s] {colitis}  Inflammation of the colon.
collagen [K3L-lå-j6n] {colágeno}  Major protein substance that is tough and flexible and that forms connective tissue in the body.
Colles' [kolz] fracture  Fracture of the lower end of the radius.
colon [KO-l8n] {colon}  Major portion of the large intestine.
colonoscopy [ko-l8n-3S-ko-pe] {colonoscopia}  Examination of the colon using an endoscope.
colostomy [ko-L3S-to-me] {colostomía}  Creation of an opening from the colon into the abdominal wall.
colposcopy [k8l-P3S-ko-pe]  Examination of the vagina with a colposcope.
coma [KO-må] {coma}  Abnormally deep sleep with little or no response to stimuli.
comedo (pl., comedos, comedones) [KOM-e-do, ko-ME-do (KOM-e-doz, ko-me-DO-n6z)]  Open hair follicle filled with bacteria and sebum; common in acne; blackhead.
comminuted [K3M-7-nu-t6d] fracture  Fracture with shattered bones.
compact bone  Hard bone with a tightly woven structure.
complementary medicine  A nonconventional medical practice used in combination with conventional medicine.
complete blood count (CBC)  Most common blood test for a number of factors.
complex fracture  Fracture with part of the bone displaced.
complicated fracture  Fracture involving extensive soft tissue injury.
compound fracture  Fracture with an open skin wound; open fracture.
compression fracture  Fracture of one or more vertebrae caused by compressing of the space between the vertebrae.
computerized (axial) tomography (CT or CAT) scan  Radiographic imaging that produces cross-sectional images.
concussion [k8n-K4SH-9n] {concusión}  Brain injury due to trauma.
condom [K3N-d8m] {condón}  Contraceptive device consisting of a rubber or vinyl sheath placed over the penis or as a lining that covers the vaginal canal that blocks contact between the sperm and the female sex organs.
condom catheter [K0TH-6-t6r]  Disposable catheter for urinary sample collection or incontinence.
conduction system  Part of the heart containing specialized tissue that sends charges through heart fibers, causing the heart to contract and relax at regular intervals.
conductivity [k8n-d9k-T2V-7-te] {conductividad}  Ability to transmit a signal.
condyle [K3N-dil]  Rounded surface at the end of a bone.
condyloma [k8n-d7-LO-må] {condiloma}  Growth on the external genitalia.
cones [konz] {conos}  Specialized receptor cells in the retina that perceive color and bright light.
congenital [k8n-J1N-7-tål] heart disease  Heart disease (usually a type of malformation) that exists at birth.
congestive [k8n-J1S-t7v] heart failure  Inability of the heart to pump enough blood out during the cardiac cycle; collection of fluid in the lungs results.
conization [ko-ni-ZA-sh9n] {conización}  Removal of a cone-shaped section of the cervix for examination.
conjunctiva (pl., conjunctivae) [k8n-J4NK-t7-vå (k8n-J4NKt7-ve)] {conjuntiva}  Mucous membrane lining the eyelid.
conjunctivitis [k8n-j9nk-t7-VI-t7s] {conjuntivitis}  Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyelid.
connective [k8n-N1K-t7v] tissue  Fibrous substance that forms the body's supportive framework.
constipation [k8n-st7-PA-sh9n] {constipación}  Difficult or infrequent defecation.
constriction [k8n-STR2K-sh9n] {constricción}  Compression or narrowing caused by contraction, as of a vessel.
contact lenses  Corrective lenses worn on the surface of the eye.
contraception [k8n-trå-S1P-sh9n] {anticoncepción}  Method of controlling conception by blocking access or interrupting reproductive cycles; birth control.
contracture [k8n-TR0K-chur]  Extreme resistance to the stretching of a muscle.
contraindicated [k8n-trå-7n-d7-KA-t6d]  Inadvisable to use; said especially of a drug that might cause complications when used in combination with other drugs or when used on a patient with a particular set of symptoms.
convolutions [k8n-vo-LU-sh9nz] {circunvolución}  Folds in the cerebral cortex; gyri.
copulation [k8p-yu-LA-sh9n] {copulación}  Sexual intercourse.
cordotomy [k8r-D3T-o-me] {cordotomía}  Removing part of the spinal cord.
corium [KO-re-9m] {corium}  See dermis.
corn {callo}  Growth of hard skin, usually on the toes.
cornea [KOR-ne-å] {cornea}  Transparent anterior section of the eyeball that bends light in a process called refraction.
coronal [KOR-o-nål] plane  Imaginary line that divides the body into anterior and posterior positions.
coronary angioplasty  See angioplasty.

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