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Chapter Outline
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  1. Geography and Historical Overview
    1. General characteristics of Hellenic civilization
      1. Competitive
      2. Religious
      3. High regard for moderation
        • a) Dionysus
          b) Apollo
      4. Definitions of classic and classicism

  2. Domestic and Foreign Affairs: War, Peace, and the Triumph of Macedonia
    1. The nature of Greek political and economic alliances
    2. The Delian League
      1. A mutual defense organization
      2. The central role of Athens
    3. Wars in Greece and with Persia and the Thirty Years' Peace
      1. Instability in Greece
      2. The Hellenic Age of Athens
      3. The connection of Athenian imperialism and cultural exuberance
      4. The Age of Pericles
        • a) Cultural zenith
          b) Fear of Athens among other city-states
    4. The Peloponnesian War
      1. Its origins
      2. The death of Pericles
      3. The Sicilian expedition
      4. The defeat of Athens by Sparta
    5. Spartan and Theban hegemony and the triumph of Macedonia
      1. Shifting fortunes in Greece
      2. Conquest of Greece by Philip of Macedonia
      3. The reign of Alexander the Great
        • a) Alexander's dream
          b) Alexander's sudden death

  3. The Arts of Hellenic Greece: The Quest for Perfection
    1. Brief overview of Athens in the Hellenic Age
    2. Theater: Tragedy
      1. Its origins
      2. Features of the Tragic Theater
        • a) The actors and chorus
          b) The physical theater
          c) The staging of the plays
          d) The structure of the Great Dionysia
      3. Tragic Drama
        • a) Essence of Greek tragedy
            (1) The moral nature of tragedy
            (2) The source of the plots
            (3) The issues treated in the plays
            (4) The plays as civic spectacles
            (5) Aristotle's theory of tragedy
          b) Aeschylus and the Oresteia
          c) Sophocles
            (1) Antigone
            (2) Oedipus the King
            (3) Oedipus at Colonus
          d) Euripides
            (1) The Trojan Women
            (2) The Bacchae
    3. Theater: Comedy
      1. Nature of Greek comedy
        • a) Characteristics
          b) Comedy and democratic values
      2. Aristophanes
        • a) Old Comedy
          b) Lysistrata
    4. Music
      1. Role in Greek society
        • a) Music as one of the humanities
          b) A partially reconstructed legacy
            (1) The diatonic system of Pythagoras
            (2) The series of scales, called modes
      2. Music's dependent status

  4. History, Philosophy, Science, and Medicine
    1. History
      1. Herodotus, the founder of secular history
        • a) The Histories
          b) The methodology
      2. Thucydides, the founder of scientific history
        • a) History of the Peloponnesian War
          b) The methodology
    2. Natural philosophy
      1. Historic overview
      2. The Pre-Socratics
        • a) The School of Elea
            (1) Parmenides
            (2) Empedocles
          b) Atomism
          c) Anaxagoras
      3. The Sophists
        • a) Source of the name
          b) Their teachings
          c) Their influence
      4. The Socratic revolution
        • a) Comparison with Sophists
          b) The life and teachings of Socrates
            (1) The Socratic method
            (2) The teaching that "Virtue is Knowledge"
            (3) The revolutionary nature of his thinking
            (4) The death of Socrates
            (5) Socrates' life, the subject of four works by Plato
      5. Plato
        • a) The influence of Socrates
          b) The author of Western idealism
          c) Platonism
            (1) The doctrine of the Forms, or Ideas
            (2) Platonic dualism
            (3) The Form (Idea) of the Good
          d) The originator of political philosophy—the Republic
      6. Aristotle
        • a) The influence of Plato
          b) Emphasis on empiricism
          c) Aristotelianism
            (1) The indivisibility of Form and Matter
            (2) Focus on purpose
            (3) The First Cause
            (4) The ethical ideal of moderation: a sound mind in a sound body
            (5) Political theory based on research
          d) His enduring influence
    3. Medicine
      1. Hippocrates
      2. Nature of ancient Greek medical science

  5. The Visual Arts
    1. Architecture
      1. Sanctuaries
        • a) Apollo's shrine at Delphi
          b) The effect of the rise of the polis
      2. The temple: The perfection of the form
        • a) The style of western Greece
            (1) Characteristics
            (2) The Second Temple of Hera at Poseidonia
          b) The style of eastern Greece
            (1) Characteristics
            (2) The Parthenon
          c) The Ionic temple
            (1) Characteristics
            (2) The Erechtheum
    2. Sculpture
      1. The Severe style
        • a) Characteristics
          b) Kritios Boy
          c) Torso of Miletus
          d) Birth of Aphrodite
      2. The High Classical style
        • a) Characteristics
          b) Poseidon, or Zeus
          c) The Doryphoros
          d) The Parthenon sculptures
            (1) Metope sculpture: Centaur versus Lapith
            (2) Panathenaeic frieze
            (3) Grave stele of Hegeso
      3. Fourth Century style
        • a) Characteristics
          b) Hermes with the Infant Dionysus
    3. Painting
      1. Vase painting

  6. The Legacy of Hellenic Civilization

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