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MyArtStudio Exploration Activities
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  1. Color is an essential element of most works of art, and so it is important to understand the principles behind how we see colors and how different colors are produced. Review the properties of colors, then experiment with creating colors through additive and subtractive processes. Which colors are most “pure”? Do they have aesthetic qualities that other colors lack? Art>Elements of Art>Color>Properties of Color>Hue

  2. One of the primary elements of art is shape. Explore the different types of shape that are available to artists. Are certain shapes better suited for certain ends? Art>Elements of Art>Shape>Defining Shape>Types

  3. Explore the properties of lines. How can two-dimensional lines be used to create a sense of three-dimensional space? How can they be suggested without being shown? What functions do lines serve in works of art? Art>Elements of Art>Line>Line Quality>Introduction

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