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MyArtStudio Exploration Activities
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  1. Explore the works of Surrealist artists such as Dalí, Miró, Ernst, and Magritte. What were the goals of the Surrealists, and what techniques did they use to fulfill those goals? Are there elements beyond subject matter that can be clearly identified as Surrealist, or is the attempt to tease out the essence of myths and dreams the only similarity the Surrealists shared? Art>History of Art>Search Across Styles>Surrealism

  2. Although Dada had a nihilistic core, it also had a playful side, perhaps best illustrated in the art of Jean Arp. Analyze his art. What was his artistic technique? What role did chance and whimsy play in his creations? Experiment with tessellation to try to replicate the technique he used to create The Dancer. What artistic possibilities are available through this process? Art>Elements of Art>Shape>Figure/Ground>Tessellation

  3. Despite some overlap, the works of Surrealists and of Social Realists generally differed substantially from each other in content and composition. Analyze works of the two schools side by side, focusing particularly on their use of perspective. Do the two schools use similar perspectives despite their differing agendas, or are their uses of perspective notably different? Art>Elements of Art>Line>Linear Perspective>Examples

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