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MyArtStudio Exploration Activities
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  1. Explore the architecture of the Ancient Near East, including the ziggurats of Ur and Uruk and the palace of Sargon II. What are the most impressive features of these structures? Compare them to the temples and palaces of Egypt. What qualities do Near Eastern structures share with Egyptian ones, and how do they differ? Architecture>Architectural History>Search Across Time>Ancient World

  2. Near Eastern ziggurats were built on an impressive scale for their time. Analyze the elements of the ziggurats. What purposes did these structures serve? What might account for their size? Compare them with modern structures. Does the scale of the ziggurats remain impressive compared with present-day buildings? What mechanical elements of the construction of the ziggurats accounts for their limited height and their squat shapes? Architecture>Elements of Architecture>Proportion>Harmony/Discord

  3. Much Near Eastern art featured repeated geometric patterns. Explore the effects that can be achieved through the use of patterns, then analyze the use of patterns in Near Eastern works, such as the head of an Akkadian ruler and the head of Gudea. In what ways did Near Eastern artists make use of patterns? What is the effect of their use of pattern? What sense does it convey of their subject? Art>Elements of Art>Texture>Pattern>Half-Drop

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