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Net Savvy
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  1. Seventh Generation is the leading brand of nontoxic, environmentally safe household products in the United States. Visit its Web site ( and review the philosophy behind the business. Next, review the site to identify the products the company offers. Briefly summarize some of the consumer trends you think are reflected. Describe the ways in which Seventh Generation's products address the wants and needs of its customers.

  2. The Internet has been a double-edged sword for consumers. On the one hand, it provides easy access to many businesses and sources for information. On the other hand, consumers must give up some of their privacy to access this information. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (, founded in 1994, attempts to focus public attention on privacy issues. Browse through its Web site. What steps does EPIC suggest consumers take to protect their privacy online? What policy recommendations does it make regarding legal restrictions on companies?

Grewal: Marketing 2e OLCOnline Learning Center

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