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Essay Questions
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Analysis Essay Quiz
1. Reconstruct Captain Vere's dilemma in seeking justice for Billy Budd.
2. Identify the stages through which the narrator passes in "Bartleby, the Scrivener."

Evaluation Essay Quiz
3. Why is Captain Vere's decision regarding the punishment and fate of Billy Budd necessary?
4. Why is Bartleby less the subject of "Bartleby, The Scrivener" than those who must relate to such an enigmatic figure?

Interpretation Essay Quiz
5. In light of the "Military Code of Conduct" and the recent events in British naval history, what is the meaning of Billy Budd's cry, "And good-bye to you, too, old Rights-of-Man"?
6. Under what circumstances might Billy Budd's hearing aboard the ship been remanded to another court?

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