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Multiple Choice
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The chapter introduction juxtaposes the stories of Marines in Vietnam and National Guardsmen at Kent State to make what point?
A)Communist infiltration could harm Americans just as it did the South Vietnamese.
B)America divided over the fundamental question of who was true friend and who real enemy.
C)In the Vietnam War, the military was less the villain than the victim.
D)Poorly prepared and ineptly led armed forces led to America's defeat at home and abroad.
The Tonkin Gulf resolution passed by Congress
A)authorized President Johnson to take any measure needed to repel attacks on U.S. forces.
B)blocked further commitment of U.S. ground troops without congressional approval.
C)called for both U.S. and North Vietnamese forces to withdraw from South Vietnam.
D)condemned U.S. aggression against the people of Vietnam.
Which of the following is NOT true about the soldiers in Vietnam?
A)They were most likely to be the sons of working-class families.
B)The average age for a soldier was 19, compared with an average age of 26 in World War II.
C)Their successes were measured in "body counts" rather than territory gained.
D)They were not very well trained before they arrived in Vietnam.
Which of the following did NOT happen as part of the protest against the war in Vietnam?
A)Students shut down Columbia University and clashed with the police for a week.
B)Radical protesters against the war set off a bomb in a lab at the University of Wisconsin, killing a graduate student.
C)African Americans remained reluctant to join the criticism of the war, since Johnson had provided them with so many services on the domestic front.
D)An antiwar rally in New York City drew over 300,000 participants, including many who defied federal law and burned their draft cards in protest.
The "Tet offensive" of 1968 was
A)a tactical defeat for the South Vietnamese.
B)a political defeat for the United States.
C)a total victory for the Viet Cong forces.
D)fought to a draw.
Which of the following was NOT an example of political violence in American society in 1968?
A)the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
B)the assassination of Robert Kennedy
C)the deaths of four students at Kent State
D)the police attacks on antiwar protesters at the Chicago Democratic convention
What key segment of the American electorate did both George Wallace and Richard Nixon try to attract?
A)individualistic-minded westerners
B)the unemployed
C)senior citizens
D)the white lower-middle class
The Nixon-Kissinger team
A)shared a global vision for a U.S. foreign policy with scaled-back military commitments overseas.
B)paired a traditional small-town conservative with a troubled and profane easterner.
C)showed how effective an active vice president could be.
D)brought little foreign affairs expertise to the White House.
The term "Vietnamization" refers to the policy of
A)shifting the burden of actual combat to the South Vietnamese.
B)training United States troops in the "Nine Rules" for understanding Vietnamese culture.
C)shifting U.S. military operations from conventional tactics to guerrilla-type combat like the Viet Cong.
D)countering antiwar propaganda by a campaign to tell the "real story" in Vietnam.
Nixon's foreign policy successes included
A)a successful ending to the war in Vietnam.
B)a détente with Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
C)the opening of American relations with China.
D)further intimidation of the Soviet Union.
The concept of identity politics
A)built upon traditional liberal concerns about equality.
B)strengthened the Democratic party.
C)led to a movement against affirmative action.
D)emphasized a pluralistic model over the unified one promoted by integrationists.
Why did Hispanics and Indians have less success than blacks in creating unified movements?
A)Neither group had the leadership enjoyed by the African American civil rights organizations.
B)The white backlash discouraged activism by other racial and ethnic minorities.
C)Latino and native groups preferred to identify with their particular national or tribal heritage.
D)Neither group faced prejudice and discrimination the way blacks did.
The defining moment in the gay rights movement came when
A)patrons at the Stonewall Tavern in New York City responded to a police raid by throwing parking meters and paving stones at the officers.
B)the American Psychiatric Association called homosexuality a "mental disorder."
C)the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis were founded in the 1950s.
D)Huey Newton observed that homosexuals "might be the most oppressed people" in American society.
Each of the following events furthered the movement for women's rights EXCEPT
A)the publication of The Feminine Mystique.
B)the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
C)the decision in Roe v. Wade.
D)the foundation of the National Organization for Women.
Each of the following happened with the environmental movement EXCEPT that
A)it received a significant boost in public awareness after Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring warned of the damage being done by the pesticide DDT.
B)it got President Nixon to call for more stringent environmental regulation.
C)it stopped the construction of an Alaskan oil pipeline because of the damage it would have caused to the environment.
D)it gained enough popular support to begin the celebration of a national "Earth Day" in 1970.
Nixon's slogan "the New Federalism" was supposed to mean
A)greater centralization of power and resources in Washington, D.C. following Hamiltonian theory.
B)the revival of the cabinet as a collective decision-making agency.
C)restoring to Congress more voice and initiative in framing domestic and foreign policy.
D)a reversal of the trend toward centralization of power and revenues in Washington, D.C.
All of the following accurately describe the troubled economy during the 1970s EXCEPT that
A)American leadership in heavy industry, especially in automobile manufacturing, suffered from management and labor inefficiencies as well as foreign competition.
B)hardest-hit were the older industrial cities of Northeast and Midwest.
C)economic trends changed from high inflation and high unemployment to the opposite.
D)political, economic, and environmental crises undermined the American faith in limitless growth and technological solutions.
All of the following represent achievements of the reform movements of the 1970s EXCEPT
A)implementation of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
B)addition of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.
C)celebration of Earth Day to keep environmental consciousness alive.
D)establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency.
How did U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War finally end?
A)with the unilateral withdrawal of U.S. troops
B)with the negotiated withdrawal of U.S. troops according to a treaty with North Vietnam
C)with the negotiated withdrawal of U.S. troops according to a treaty with South Vietnam
D)with an international peace conference after the defeat of a large U.S. force

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