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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Rememba Nuttin knows she knows the name of that person who is staring at her. However, no matter how hard she tries to recall it, the name cannot be recalled. This is an example of
A)the serial position effect.
B)the primacy effect.
C)the recency effect.
D)the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
A retrieval cue is a stimulus that allows us to recall more easily information that is located in long-term memory by triggering associations. It may be
A)a feeling of grief.
B)the smell of roses.
C)the sound of the ocean.
D)all of these.
As you are taking this test, you realize that your instructor has selected the least difficult method of testing information retrieval. That method is
A)cued recall.
C)cued retrieval.
According to the levels-of-processing theory, the degree to which material is analyzed and considered in its initial processing determines how likely we are to remember it. We will best remember material that we
A)repeat several times out loud.
B)skim through.
C)pay close attention to.
D)read while we are watching TV.
Which of the following is most likely to become a flashbulb memory?
A)what you had for breakfast yesterday
B)taking your driver's test for the first time
C)a sunny day
D)a tune you heard on the radio
Several processes account for memory failures; decay is
A)the loss of information through nonuse.
B)the erasure of engrams.
C)information in memory disrupting the recall of other information.
D)none of these.
Fugetza Lot cannot remember her boyfriend's grandmother's name because there are insufficient retrieval cues to rekindle information that is in her memory. This is an example of
B)cue-dependent forgetting.
C)proactive interference.
D)retroactive interference.
You may not remember your old phone number after you have moved to another state because your new number has replaced it. This is caused by
A)retrograde amnesia.
B)retroactive interference.
C)source amnesia.
D)proactive interference.
The ____________, a part of the brain's limbic system, plays a central role in the consolidation of memories and aids in the initial encoding of information.
A loss of memory that occurs for events that follow an injury is called
A)Alzheimer's disease.
B)Korskafoff's syndrome.
C)retrograde amnesia.
D)anterograde amnesia.

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