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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The problem-solving pattern is most appropriate when:
A)the audience will accept your proposal without any resistance.
B)the audience is likely to object to doing as you ask.
C)you need a response only from the people who are willing to act.
D)the audience is busy and may not read all the messages received.
E)your organization's culture prefers direct requests.
Which of the following guidelines helps in writing an effective subject line for persuasive messages?
A)For direct requests, put the request, the topic, or a question in the subject line.
B)For problem-solving messages, use a directed subject line or a reader benefit.
C)When you have a reluctant reader, avoid putting the request in the subject line.
D)Both directed subject lines and benefit subject lines can be used as report titles.
E)All of the above.
Which of the following guidelines should be followed when organizing persuasive messages?
A)In direct requests, start with the request.
B)In a problem-solving message, start with the problem you share.
C)When you expect quick agreement, save the reader's time by presenting the request directly.
D)Use an indirect approach and the problem-solving pattern of organization when you expect resistance from your reader.
E)All of the above.
Which of the following guidelines should be followed when organizing problem-solving messages?
A)Avoid using an indirect approach and the problem-solving pattern of organization when you expect resistance from your reader.
B)Try to mention personalities while describing the problem you share with your reader.
C)If you know that the reader will favor another solution, start with your solution rather than with the reader's preferred solution.
D)Try to show that any negative elements are outweighed by the advantages.
E)All of the above.
Which of the following is true about identifying and overcoming objections that your audience might raise?
A)If an objection is false, give the response to the objection without naming the objection.
B)In a persuasive brochure, avoid presenting responses with a "question/answer" format.
C)To counter objections, avoid asking follow-up questions.
D)Even when objections have already been voiced, give the response without naming the objection.
E)None of the above.
Which of the following is true about building credibility or emotional appeal?
A)Being flexible rather than being specific helps in building the credibility of a persuasive message.
B)Stories should be avoided as they have a negative effect on efforts of building emotional appeal.
C)Psychological descriptions are effective ways of building emotional appeal.
D)Exaggeration increases the credibility of a persuasive message.
E)None of the above.
Which of the following is the best way to increase the credibility of a persuasive message?
A)Being specific with your proposal
B)Avoiding factual data
C)Deemphasizing the you-attitude
D)Writing in an exaggerated style
E)None of the above
Which of the following guidelines should be followed when building common ground in persuasive messages?
A)When building a common ground, emphasize upon the me-against-you aspect of persuasive situations.
B)When building a common ground, suggest that both you and your audience have a mutual interest in solving the problems you face.
C)When building common ground, avoid emphasizing on the parts of your proposal that fit with what your audience already believes.
D)When building a common ground, avoid using audience analysis to evaluate possible common grounds.
E)None of the above.
Which of the following is true about typical collection letters?
A)Early letters threaten legal action if the bill is not paid.
B)Late letters are gentle, assuming that the reader intends to pay but has met with temporary reverses or has forgotten.
C)Early letters offer to negotiate a schedule for repayment if the reader is not able to pay the whole bill immediately.
D)Middle letters may remind the reader of the importance of a good credit rating.
E)Late letters avoid taking an assertive approach.
In an effort to cut operational costs, the management of a company decides to reduce the number of working days without affecting the set working hours in a week. They send out a memo to the employees regarding this matter. Which of the following is a negative element that the management must deemphasize or overcome when writing the memo?
A)Longer working days for the employees
B)Possible recruitment endeavors
C)Possibility of reducing layoffs
D)All of the above
E)None of the above

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