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Multiple Choice Quiz
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How can a person become a good listener?
A)By making assumptions when the speaker does not provide adequate information
B)By focusing on the appearance of the speaker rather than the substance of the talk
C)By focusing solely on the facts presented by the speaker instead of his/her feelings
D)By resisting distractions and tuning out noise
E)None of the above
Alice wants to avoid errors caused by inattention. She should:
A)check her understanding with the speaker after a meeting.
B)focus solely on the appearance of the speaker.
C)plan her rebuttal without paying much attention to the substance of the speaker's discourse.
D)make quick assumptions instead of asking questions to the speaker.
E)solely focus on the tone, voice, and facial expressions of the speaker.
While attending a seminar in his college, Sam noticed that the speaker's shoes were worn and faded, and that his shirt was not ironed. He thought someone who does not pay enough attention to his dress was unlikely to have anything valuable to say. In this instance, Sam should:
A)challenge the speaker in order to test his knowledge.
B)wait for the speaker to finish before arriving at a judgment.
C)let his attention stray.
D)not shy away from making assumptions about the speaker's background.
E)none of the above.
A listener can avoid listening errors caused by faulty assumptions by:
A)focusing solely on the speaker's words instead of his/her emotions or feelings.
B)asking questions that can provide useful information.
C)ignoring any instructions or information that he/she thinks is unnecessary.
D)ignoring the speaker's feelings.
E)all of the above.
Which of the following is true of active listening?
A)In active listening, receivers actively demonstrate that they've heard and understood a speaker by challenging him/her.
B)Receivers who ask for more information from the speaker indicate that they have been mostly inattentive.
C)People who are skilled active listeners can listen actively all the time.
D)Active listening takes time and energy.
E)None of the above.
To make it clear that you're listening, you should:
A)avoid making eye contact with the speaker.
B)avoid nodding.
C)avoid body language that suggests that you want the conversation to end.
D)both A and B.
E)both A and C.
Active listening is a good way to show people that:
A)you are capable of eliminating all the conflicts in a group setting.
B)you are averse to collaborative problem solving.
C)you completely agree with the speaker.
D)you are listening.
E)all of the above.
What are the different listening responses in diverse cultures?
A)Americans do not make acknowledgment responses.
B)African Americans respond with words rather than nonverbal cues.
C)European Americans almost never use nonverbal cues to respond.
D)Silence is equivalent to consent in all cultures.
E)None of the above.
A leader who is also a good listener is most likely to:
A)listen to his/her subordinates' concerns and offer to help them by addressing those concerns.
B)brush off ideas or suggestions that come from lower rungs in the organizational hierarchy.
C)listen only to the concerns of the top management.
D)trivialize problems.
E)completely ignore the emotions and feelings of his/her subordinates while listening to them.
Listening to the people whom you disagree with indicates that you:
A)are merely being polite.
B)are an arrogant leader.
C)respect them.
D)have already formed a solid impression them.
E)none of the above.

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