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The West in the World, 3/e

Dennis Sherman
Joyce E. Salisbury

ISBN: 0073406929
Copyright year: 2008

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Roots of Western Civilization: The Ancient Middle East to the Sixth Century B.C.E.
Before Western Civilization
Struggling with the Forces of Nature: Mesopotamia, 3000-ca. 1000 B.C.E.
Rule of the God-King: Ancient Egypt, ca. 3100-1000 B.C.E.
Merchants and Monotheists: Peoples of the Mediterranean Coast, ca. 1300-500 B.C.E
Terror and Benevolence: The Growth of Empires, 1200-500 B.C.E.

Global Context Essay, I. Looking Ahead to the Ancient World: 700 B.C.E. to 400 C.E.

Chapter 2. The Contest for Excellence: Greece, 2000-338 B.C.E. Timeline: The Big Picture
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Heroes, 000-800 B.C.E.
Emerging from the Dark: Archaic Age, ca. 750-479 B.C.E. 00
Life in the Greek Poleis
Greece Enters Its Classical Age, 479-336 B.C.E.
Destruction, Disillusion, and a Search for Meaning

Chapter 3. The Poleis Become Cosmopolitan: The Hellenistic World, 336-150 B.C.E.
The Conquest of the Poleis
The Successor Kingdoms, 323-ca. 100 B.C.E.
East Meets West in the Successor Kingdoms
The Search for Truth: Hellenistic Thought, Religion, and Science

Chapter 4. Pride in Family and City: Rome from Its Origins Through the Republic, 753-44 B.C.E.
The Rise of Rome, 753-265 B.C.E.
Family Life and City Life
Expansion and Transformation, 265-133 B.C.E.
The Hellenizing of the Republic
The Twilight of the Republic, 133-44 B.C.E.

Chapter 5. Territorial and Christian Empires: The Roman Empire, 31 B.C.E. to 410 C.E.
The Pax Romana-27 B.C.E. to 192 C.E.
Life During the Peace of Rome
Crisis and Transformation, 192-ca. 400 C.E.
The Longing for Religious Fulfillment
From Christian Persecution to the City of God, 64-410 C.E.
The Holy Life

Global Context Essay, II. Looking Ahead to the Middle Ages: 400-1400

Chapter 6. A World Divided: Western Kingdoms, Byzantium, and the Islamic World, ca. 376-1000
The Making of the Western Kingdoms, ca. 376-750
The Byzantine Empire, ca. 400-1000
Islam, 600-1000

Chapter 7. The Struggle to Bring Order: The Early Middle Ages, ca. 750-1000
Bringing Order with Laws and Leadership
Anglo-Saxon England: Forwarding Learning and Law
Charlemagne and the Carolingians: A New European Empire
Order Interrupted: Vikings and Other Invaders
Manors and Feudal Ties: Order Emerging from Chaos

Chapter 8. Order Restored: The High Middle Ages, 1000-1300
Those Who Work: Agricultural Labor
Those Outside the Order: Town Life
Those Who Fight: Nobles and Knights
The Rise of Centralized Monarchies
Those Who Pray: Imperial Popes and Expanding Christendom

Chapter 9. The West Struggles and Eastern Empires Flourish: The Late Middle Ages, ca. 1300-1500
Economic and Social Misery
Imperial Papacy Besieged
More Destruction: The Hundred Years' War, 1337-1453
Responses to the Disruption of Medieval Order
Empires in the East

Chapter 10. A New Spirit in the West: The Renaissance,ca. 1300-1640
A New Spirit Emerges: Individualism, Realism, and Activism
The Politics of Individual Effort
Individualism as Self-Interest: Life During the Renaissance
An Age of Talent and Beauty: Renaissance Culture and Science
Renaissance of the "New Monarchies" of the North: 1453-1640

Chapter 11. "Alone Before God": Religious Reform and Warfare 1500-1648
The Clash of Dynasties, 1515-1555
A Tide of Religious Reform
The Catholic Reformation
Europe Erupts Again: A Century of Religious Warfare, 1559-1648
Life After the Reformation

Chapter 12. Faith, Fortune, and Fame: European Expansion, 1450-1700
The World Imagined
The World Discovered
Confrontation of Cultures
The World Market and Commercial Revolution
The World Transformed

Chapter 13. The Struggle for Survival and Sovereignty: Europe's Social and Political Order, 1600-1715
Stresses in Traditional Society
Royal Absolutism in France
The Struggle for Sovereignty in Eastern Europe
The Triumph of Constitutionalism

Chapter 14. A New World of Reason and Reform: The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, 1600-1800
Questioning Truth and Authority
Developing a Modern Scientific View
Supporting and Spreading Science
Laying the Foundations for the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment in Full Stride

Chapter 15. Competing for Power and Wealth: The Old Regime, 1715-1789
Statebuilding and War
The Twilight of Monarchies? The Question of Enlightened Absolutism
Changes in Country and City Life
The Culture of the Elite: Combining the Old and the New
Culture for the Lower Classes
Foreshadowing Upheaval: The American Revolution

Global Context Essay, III: Moving into the Modern World

Chapter 16. Overturning the Political and Social Order: The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
"A Great Ferment": Trouble Brewing in France
The Constitutional Monarchy: Establishing a New Order
To the Radical Republic and Back
Napoleon Bonaparte

Chapter 17. Factories, Cities, and Families in the Industrial Age: The Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850
The Industrial Revolution Begins
New Markets, Machines, and Power
Industrialization Spreads to the Continent
Balancing the Benefits and Burdens of Industrialization
Life in the Growing Cities
Public Health and Medicine in the Industrial Age
Family Ideals and Realities

Chapter 18. Coping with Change: Ideology, Politics, and Revolution, 1815-1850
The Congress of Vienna: A Gathering of Victors
Ideologies: How the World Should Be
Restoration and Repression
A Wave of Revolution and Reform
The Dam Bursts: 1848

Chapter 19. Nationalism and Statebuilding: Unifying Nations, 1850-1870
Building Unified Nation-States
The Drive for Italian Unification
Germany "By Blood and Iron"
The Fight for National Unity in North America
Divided Authority in the Austrian and Ottoman Empires
Using Nationalism in France and Russia

Chapter 20. Mass Politics and Imperial Domination: Democracy and the New Imperialism, 1870-1914
Demands for Democracy
Insiders and Outsiders: Politics of the Extremes
Emigration: Overseas and Across Continents
The New Imperialism: The Race for Africa and Asia

Chapter 21. Modern Life and the Culture of Progress: Western Society, 1850-1914
The Second Industrial Revolution
The New Urban Landscape
City People
Sports and Leisure in the Cities
Private Life: Together and Alone at Home
Science in an Age of Optimism
Culture: Accepting the Modern World
From Optimism to Uncertainty

Chapter 22. Descending Into the Twentieth Century: World War and Revolution, 1914-1920 On the Path to Total War
The Front Lines
War on the Home Front
To the Bitter End
Assessing the Losses
The Peace Settlement
Revolutions in Russia

Chapter 23. Darkening Decades: Recovery, Dictators, and Depression, 1920-1939
Trying to Recover from the Great War, 1919-1929
Turning Away From Democracy: Dictatorships and Fascism, 1919-1929
Transforming the Soviet Union: 1920-1939
The Great Depression: 1929-1939
Nazism in Germany

Chapter 24. Into the Fire Again: World War II, 1939-1945
The Road to War: 1931-1939
Axis Victories, 1939-1942
Struggle and Horror Behind the Front Lines
Turning the Tide of War, 1942-1945
Peace and the Legacy of War

Global Context Essay, IV: Forming the Present

Chapter 25. Superpower Struggles and Global Transformations: The Cold War,1945-1980s
Origins of the Cold War
East and West: Two Paths to Recovery in Europe
The Twilight of Colonialism
A Sense of Relativity in Thought and Culture
Protests, Problems, and New Politics: The 1960s to the 1980s
Postindustrial Society
Breakthroughs in Science

Chapter 26. Into the Twenty-First Century: The Present in Perspective
The Collapse of Communism
Repercussion and Realignments in the West
The World and the West from a Global Perspective
The West in The World Book Cover Image

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