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Active range of motion  Motion performed by the client with no help from the therapist.
Acute injury  An injury caused by a single force.
Anisotropic  A structure that can resist force better from one direction than another.
Chronic injury  An injury caused by a repetitive load placed on an area.
Force  A push or a pull that acts on the body.
Gait cycle  The sequence of motions that occur between two initial contacts of the same foot.
Passive range of motion  Motion performed on the client by the therapist, while the client remains totally relaxed.
Primary curves  The curves of the spinal column that are present at birth.
Secondary curves  The curves in the spinal column that develop as a result of adapting to the forces of gravity.
Signs  Objective, measurable findings obtained during an assessment.
Sprain  An injury to a ligament.
Strain  An injury to a muscle or tendon.
Symptoms  Information obtained from the client during an assessment.
Tendonitis  An inflammation of the tendon.
Tendonosis  A degeneration of the collagen matrix within the tendon, caused by a repeated cycle of insults and partial healing that leads to an overall breakdown of the tissue.
Tenosynovitis  An inflammatory reaction in the sheath surrounding certain tendons.

Clinical Massage Therapy, 1eOnline Learning Center

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