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Working Within the Legal Environment

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After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to

  1. Define business law, distinguish between statutory and common law, and explain the role of administrative agencies.

  2. Define tort law and explain the role of product liability in tort law.

  3. Identify the purposes and conditions of patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

  4. Describe warranties and negotiable instruments as covered in the Uniform Commercial Code.

  5. List and describe the conditions necessary to make a legally enforceable contract, and describe the possible consequences if such a contract is violated.

  6. Summarize several laws that regulate competition and protect consumers in the United States.

  7. Explain the role of tax laws in generating income for the government and as a method of discouraging or encouraging certain behaviors among taxpayers.

  8. Distinguish among the various types of bankruptcy as outlined by the Bankruptcy Code.

  9. Explain the role of deregulation as a tool to encourage competition.

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